Monday, December 30, 2019

Drink tea in 3 situations will be harmful to healthy

Drink tea in the wrong situations will harmful to your healthy
Drink tea in the wrong situations will harmful to your healthy
The central ancient Chinese medical classics “Compendium of Materia Medica” in describing the function of tea, there is a saying that “drink tea for a long time will help lose weight.” This is a scientific saying because tea contains aromatic compounds that can dissolve the body’s oil and help digestion. Nowadays, there are still a lot of people choose to drink a cup of tea after eating greasy food to help remove the greasy feeling.
Although tea is good for health, but pay attention, in these 3 situations, it may be harmful to your body.

Drink too much tea

Although tea help removes the greasy feeling, it also not good to drink too much. According to the medical investigation found that, for the average person, under normal circumstances, the amount of tea used in daily drinking tea in 12 grams, and the best into 3 to 4 times. For people with a large amount of physical labor, physical exertion and food intake, the daily consumption of tea is about 20 grams, while people with a large amount of greasy food, tobacco, and alcohol need to increase the amount of tea. As for pregnant women, children, people who neurasthenia, and high-heart-rate, tea consumption should be appropriately reduced.
If people do not pay attention to the above conditions and still drink too much tea, they are prone to anxiety, irritability, insomnia, heart palpitations and so on
Symptoms, and easily lead to sleep disorders and digestive disorders and loss of appetite and other conditions. Based on the above factors, we should control the amount of tea we drink, the unfavorable one-time large amount of drinks tea. Although tea is good for health, don’t drink too much of it.
Tea is good for health but it can not drink too much
Tea is good for health but it can not drink too much

The tea place overnight

Most of the time, we steeped a cup of tea, but for a variety of reasons failed to drink in time, even forget the existence of this cup of tea, until the next day, we find that the cup of tea was placed overnight. So is this cup of overnight tea that untasted drinkable?
The answer is “Absolutely No!”
The reasons are mainly in two aspects:
First, after a long time of steeping, the nutrients in tea have been lost(influence of steeping times), only leaving behind some difficult to dissolve harmful substances. Lose nutrient element, also lose nutrient value. However, if you drink overnight tea, harmful substances will enter the human body along with the tea and become a hidden threat or lesion in the human body. Therefore, tea that loses its nutritional value should not be drinking.
Second, overnight tea tends to go bad, causing damage to the human body itself. Protein and sugar are the basic building blocks of tea, and they are also the food for bacteria and mold. One night is enough to make tea spoilage and give it a bad smell. If such tea gets into our body, our digestive organs will be severely damaged, and diarrhea will occur.
It can be known that drinking overnight tea will bring a certain degree of injury to the human body. So, for the sake of health, it’s best not to drink overnight tea.

Do not drink tea on an empty stomach

It is not good to drink tea on an empty stomach
It is not good to drink tea on an empty stomach
Because tea contains caffeine and other alkaloids, drinking tea on an empty stomach can not only fail to achieve the usual effect of clearing the stomach and intestines, but also make the intestinal tract absorb too much caffeine, and eventually lead to such symptoms as palpitation, weakness of hands and feet, and absent-mindedness. This will not only cause gastrointestinal distress, affect appetite and food digestion, but also may damage the normal function of the nervous system.
If you drink tea on an empty stomach for a long time, your spleen and stomach will suffer from cold, result in malnutrition and loss of appetite. When the situation becomes severe, the stomach and intestines, which are responsible for digestion, become dysfunctional, and people will suffer from chronic intestinal problems.
Besides, do not believe in deep that drinking tea on an empty stomach can clear the stomach in the early morning. Usually, after a night’s rest, people wake up in the morning and their dinner has been digested at all, people are actually in a state of hunger at this time.
So drinking tea at this time cannot achieve the goal of clearing the intestines and stomach, and will damage the stomach. And early morning drink a cup of weak brine or honey water on an empty stomach, is the method with better clear intestines and stomach. Therefore, we should pay attention to “avoid an empty stomach” when drinking tea.

Beautiful and Fragile Glass Teaware – Buyer’s and Maintenance Guide

Glass teaware has a wonderful looks
Glass teaware has a wonderful looks
With the development of modern glass manufacturing technology, glass teaware has become one of the commonly used teaware in People’s Daily life. Glass teaware has a beautiful appearance, but it has a natural disadvantage of being easily broken compared with other teaware.

Know about the glass teaware

Glass, called crown glass in ancient times, is a kind of translucent mineral products. Teaware made of this material can give people a sense of bright color and luster. It’s widely acclaimed because of its various forms, a wide range of uses, coupled with low prices, and easy to buy. The most common one is glass teacup. Wonderful looks of tea juice can be seen through the glass teacup, use it to steep a variety of fine and famous tea, the richest appreciation value.
Look the herbal tea leaves dancing up and down in the glass teapot
Look the herbal tea leaves dancing up and down in the glass teapot
Different from the translucent glass teaware of ancient times, the quality of a material of the glass teaware of today is fine, bright, tall diaphaneity and easy to manufacturing, popular in the people who love tea.
The raw material of glass has a wide source and strong plasticity. At present, the market can be seen in various forms of glass teaware. Steeping tea with glass teaware, you can see not only the wonderful color of tea juice and the shape of tea leaves but also the tea leaves dancing in the water slowly, gradually unfolding in the process of steeping. From the effect of tea steeping, there are no pores on the skin of glass teaware, so the taste of tea cannot remain on it. Therefore, the tea tastes pure and it’s easy to clean.
The double hollow glass teacup can insulating heat effective
The double hollow glass teacup can insulating heat effective
But the glassware is brittle and easily broken. It conducts heat quickly, so it’s too hot to be held. With the improvement of production technology, a kind of specially processed tempered the glass products has appeared, which is not easy to be broken and more convenient to use. There is also a kind of double hollow glass teaware because the zone between the glass is a vacuum, can play a good heat insulation effect.

How to choose glass teaware

The transparency of glass material is very high. On the appearance, there is no difference between glass teaware. But actually, the internal structure of glass teaware has a very big difference, if the quality is low, may appear burst crack circumstance accordingly. So when choosing and buying glass teaware, hold the following 3 points:

1.    The thickness of the glass

The thickness of glass must be uniform, otherwise heated non-uniform will cause blast crack. When buying, must observe carefully, feel the thickness of glass with the finger even, do not buy the vitreous teaware with non-uniform thickness as far as possible.

2.    The transparency of the glass

The higher the transparency of the glass teaware, the higher the ornamental value. The high-grade glass teaware will be very transparent in the sunlight, and some poor quality products will be relatively turbid, and the cloudy turbid of transparency may be one of the non- uniform thickness problems.

3.    The sound of knocking on it

High-grade glass teaware can give out very clear sound below knock, and the poor grade glass teaware knocks sounds a muffled.

Maintenance of glass teaware

Beautiful glass teaware needs proper maintenance.
Beautiful glass teaware needs proper maintenance.
Glass products are easy to break, so in the use and cleaning maintenance, should pay attention to handle with care, avoid collision between the glass teaware.
The glass tea set is not fireproof, and it is also afraid of using boiling water to blanch. Please pay attention to the water temperature is not too high during steeping, to avoid damage under high temperature.
In the long-term use of the glass teaware, both inside and outside are easy to hide dirt, dirt on the outer wall is mostly dust, can be washed with water easily; The dirty on the inner wall is the tea stain, affect the looks also go against health, should often clean the tea stain of inner wall of teaware in time.
Soak the glass teaware in diluted vinegar for 30 minutes, can be shiny as new; or dip in vinegar with a cloth to wipe local blacken place, or mixed the salt and vinegar, dip it with a soft bristle to become is brushed gently. After clean the glass teaware by water, pour in about 40℃ warm water and clean it again, and then making it dry naturally.

How to make milk tea taste excellent? Milk in first or tea in first?

Milk tea is the best match to breakfast
Milk tea is the best match to breakfast
Every delicious breakfast, there must be a cup of fragrant milk tea to match, the strong aroma will wake up the spirit at once. Therefore, how to make a perfect cup of milk tea is also a topic worth focusing on.

How to make milk tea taste excellent?

The amount of water and tea

Similar to making iced tea, by the necessary reason to add milk, so you need to steep the tea to a high concentration. You can increase the amount of tea by at least one or two times, or cut the water amount it in half, and then steep it follows the basic steeping steps of black tea.

Choosing black tea leaves suitable for steeping milk tea

Tea leaves suitable for steeping milk tea are usually preferred with a strong flavor and aroma. From the famous origin black tea producing region, such as Ceylon Uva, India Assam, China, Fujian Lapsang are very suitable; and in mixed tea, English breakfast tea and earl grey tea are excellent companions for milk tea.
High-grade BOT black tea
High-grade BOT black tea
More important than the region of origin is the shape of the tea. Try to choose finely ground teas, such as BOP, BOPF, or CTC tea, which are more fragrant and taste good than leaves that are large and complete. In many times, even the type of light aroma tea also suits at making milk tea, in the case of finely broken enough. For example, Taiwan No.18 black tea, with large leaves in the shape, taste light and pure but not astringent, but it will be suitable with milk tea well when it is at the BOP grade.

Milk is the key

Using fresh milk is the key to making an excellent cup of milk tea
Using fresh milk is the key to making an excellent cup of milk tea
Milk must be fresh, and any artificial creamer or extended shelf life milk is intolerable.
There is no doubt that the higher the content of milk fat, the better the quality of fresh milk, can make the best taste milk tea.
I usually choose HTST standard high-temperature short-time sterilized fresh milk, which is purely natural and without additives and comes from a well-reputed single milk source pasture. It tastes more natural and gentle flavor than high-temperature sterilized milk, and complement well with tea fragrance. Of course, it’s best if you can get the fresh milk which sterilization long time under 65℃.
The amount of milk can be adjusted according to individual preference and milk concentration; my usual ratio of tea to milk is between 1:1 and 2:1.
In terms of milk temperature, it has been observed that the British tend to use cold milk, while the other Europeans use slightly warmed milk. I prefer warm milk. It feels fragrant and warm and it’s very comfortable to drink.

Milk in first or milk in after?

How to make milk tea? Milk in first or milk in after?
How to make milk tea? Milk in first or milk in after?
This but since old times the classic milk tea topic that argued endlessly, pours milk first after all good, still pour black tea first to compare?
There are very interesting names for these two groups; Those who are in favor of adding milk first are called MIF (milk in first), and those who are in favor of pouring black tea first are called MIA (milk in after). They have different positions and views, and there is a clear divergence between them.
I prefer to first sugar, then warm milk, and finally hot black tea. Think about such steps, not only because it can indeed maintain the temperature of black tea but also to stimulate a strong aroma of tea and milk, the astringency of black tea seems to become soft in the mild surround of milk.
Milk in first will be better on making milk tea
Milk in first will be better on making milk tea
Later, in the book “Kitchen Mysteries: Revealing the Science of Cooking” by professor HerveThis, a representative of the molecular cuisine circle, the solution with sufficient scientific theory foundation was found. According to professor HerveThis, milk tea tastes good because of the milk contains proteins that counteract the bitter taste of tea. Therefore, if milk is added to boiling hot tea, the protein will become degenerated due to overheating, lost its effect. On the contrary, put the hot tea into the milk, when the two are mixed, the milk is heated at a lower temperature, and the protein can still function effectively, so it tastes better naturally.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Highly recommended! 7 common herbal tea and their benefits

Drink herbal tea may have good benefits with your healthy
Drink herbal tea may have good benefits with your healthy

The basic knowledge of herbal tea

Herbal tea is a kind of tea that is prepared by drying herbs and other plants, that have a medicinal effect and fresh taste. There are many kinds of herbal tea, including herbs, flowers, grains, vegetables and so on. The primary method of steeping herbal tea is to put the plants into a teapot (small teapot), inject hot water, and steep it with a right minute.

Common Herbal Tea And Their Benefits


Echinacea tea has some effects against colds
Echinacea tea has some effects against colds
Echinacea, the “Indian flower,” can boosts immunity and improves health.
Echinacea is a perennial herb of the composite family with purple flowers. Echinacea is also known as the “Indian flower” because it is used by North American Indians to prevent colds and treat trauma.
Echinacea roots are said to contain immune-boosting ingredients that boost the body’s ability to fight viruses and bacteria such as colds and flu. In that case, echinacea has attracted much attention in AIDS research in recent years.
Efficacy: antiviral, bactericidal, anti-allergic, cystitis and frequent urination
Suitable match: rose hip, elderflower, tilia europaea, sage, chamomile
Recommended drinking method: used to prevent colds, it is recommended to add honey in the tea before drinking


Elderflower tea has sweet grape-like aroma
Elderflower tea has sweet grape-like aroma
Popular since Egyptian civilization, ancient people took elderflower as a cold medicine with a sweet grape-like aroma.
Its distribution in Europe and North Africa, belongs to the honeysuckle family, low deciduous elderberry, has been used as a medicinal plant since the Egyptian civilization.
Elderflower is the white flower that grows on the elder bush in spring. Elderflower has a sweet aroma like Muscat and is widely used in Europe especially as a cold medicine to relieve sore throat and so on, because elderflower tea, which is steeped and drunk, can promote blood circulation and thus promote sweating. It is also said to have some effect on hay fever.
There are also jams made from elderberry fruit, so you can also steep tea with the jams.
Efficacy: promote sweating, anti-inflammatory, sedation, detoxification, antipyretic, diuretic
Suitable match: rosehip, rosemary, chamomile, Tilia Europaea, echinacea, sage
Recommended drinking method: steep tea into a higher concentration, and then add carbonated water dilution.


Olive is famous for its positive effects on loss weight
Olive is famous for its positive effects on loss weight
Recommended for people with high blood pressure, a well-known plant leaf, as a symbol of peace – Olive.
Olive is a Mediterranean plant whose fruit can be eaten and made into olive oil. It is integral to Italian cuisine and is painted on the United Nations flag.
Olive leaves have a bactericidal effect, so from a long time ago was used as a treatment medicine for trauma, and drinking olive tea, has an excellent antihypertensive effect, so to prevent hypertension and arteriosclerosis has specific help.
By the way, olive oil from fruits and seeds contains a lot of the unsaturated fatty acid – oleic acid, so olive oil is a hot topic because it has some positive effects on loss weight compared to other linoleic acid series vegetable oils.
Efficacy: sedation, lower blood pressure, lower uric acid value, also has a specific therapeutic effect on hepatitis, herpes and Candida albicans.
Suitable match: rose hip, elderflower, Tilia Europaea, sage, chamomile
Recommended drinking method: due to the mild nature of olives, it is recommended to mix with other herbs or tea.

Orange Peel

Orange peel is popular in China
Orange peel is popular in China
Orange peel tea is a kind of citrus tea can make a personal spirit. It is divided into sweet oranges and sour oranges.
Orange peel is rich in vitamin C, which warms the body and promotes sleep. Also, tangerine peel still can adjust intestines and stomach, have the effect that makes a person comfortable free qi, spirit cheer up, can have an excellent diuretic effect.
Orange peel tea with fruit aroma and sour-sweet taste, taste when drinking, light taste, slightly astringent taste. When mixed with other herbal teas and black teas, it gives the drink a sweet aroma and a good taste.
Efficacy: sedation, diuretic, insomnia, and help digestion
Suitable match: rosehip, hibiscus, lemon peel, chamomile
Recommended drinking method: steep the orange tea into a higher concentration, add ginger and honey, diluted with carbonated water.


Chamomile is called the "apple of the earth"
Chamomile is called the “apple of the earth”
The word chamomile comes from the Greek word “chamaemellon”, which means “apple of the earth”.
Chamomile is a kind of plant with strong fecundity and sweet apple-like aroma. As an herb, it has excellent effects and is called “plant doctor” and “mother of herbs.” It is said that chamomile in addition to stomach overload and loss of appetite has a specific effect, to alleviate insomnia, eliminate anxiety also plays a particular role, especially to relieve fatigue has a great impact.
Efficacy: anti-inflammatory, sedative, promote sweating, bactericidal, antipyretic, diuretic, help digestion, inhibit vomiting, stomach toning, relieve insomnia and restlessness, improve dysmenorrhea, relieve menopausal symptoms, anti-allergy, relieve constipation and fear of cold.
Suitable match: rosehip, elderflower, Tilia Europaea, sage, peppermint, spearmint
Recommended drinking method: steeping milk tea with chamomile is awesome.


Indian Masala Chai  is made with cardamom
Indian Masala Chai is made with cardamom
Recommended for those with a taste for spicy foods, this cardamom tea can promotes digestion and prevents bad breath.
Similar to ginger, it has a strong cooling effect and is an essential ingredient in curry sauces. It is also called “queen of spices” and “king of perfumes”.
It is said that in addition to helping digestion and absorption, inhibiting bad breath, it also has the effect of reducing fat, relieves fatigue and cool down body temperature. Due to the strong aroma and flavor of cardamom, compared with the original taste, it is recommended to drink mixed. In India, where cardamom is native, people like to use it in black tea to make Indian Masala Chai; In the Middle East and near east, people like to drink the coffee with cardamom in.
Efficacy: relieve tension, loss of appetite, indigestion, abdominal fullness, colic, heartburn, nausea, cramps, bad breath and other symptoms
Suitable match: rose hip, elderflower, Tilia Europaea, sage, chamomile
Recommended drinking method: recommended mixed with black tea or coffee drinking, to eliminate constipation has a certain effect.


Safflower has an excellent effect on promote blood circulation
Safflower has an excellent effect on promote blood circulation
“Herb of activating blood circulation” safflower suits to be afraid of cold constitution menstruation not to adjust, the female of the menopause drinks.
It is said that safflower can be used from seed to flower without waste. Safflower is also a specialty of Yamagata prefecture, Japan, known as “Benibana”.The flowers of the safflower are a plain vermilion, which was once used as a lipstick and dye.
Safflower is known as “herbal medicine for promoting blood circulation” in China, which can promote blood circulation, warm the body and regulate hormonal balance, so it has significant effects on irregular menstruation, menopausal diseases, rough skin and fear of cold. It is said that postpartum women drink safflower, can also promote breast milk secretion, to prevent obesity also has a certain role. The refreshing taste of safflower tea is suitable for most people.
Efficacy: promote blood circulation,  promote sweating, relieve symptoms of menopause and fear of cold, promote breast milk secretion, and prevent postpartum obesity
Suitable match: rose hip, raspberry leaves, Tilia Europaea, nettle, chamomile
Recommend drinking method: recommend mix with other flowers and plants steep, having more delicious.

About efficacy and safety

The herbal tea benefits vary from person to person
The herbal tea benefits vary from person to person
It is important to note that the benefits of these herbal teas are not necessarily medically recognized.
Although different from person to person, but because the flowers and plants that use and flowers and plants use quantity differ, can produce a strong effect to body and spirit sometimes, or because absorb and medicaments at the same time and produce side effect, or produce allergy symptom because of the composition of flowers and plants.
So people who are unwell, taking medication, have a history of plant allergies, and who are pregnant or lactating should consult their doctor or hospital first.

Evolution of the black tea teaware in Europe

A whole set of European black tea teawares
A whole set of European black tea teawares
Europeans like drinking black tea very much, and their black tea teawares are very delicate. Although black tea is recognized as originating in China, there is no doubt that black tea truly complete development after crossing the ocean to Europe.
However, the evolution of drinking methods, rituals, steeping ways, and teaware can be said to dominated by Europe after black tea arrived; With the development of western culture and modernization, black tea becomes what we know now.

Oriental teaware arrived in Europe

According to various records, the earliest introduction of porcelain into Europe can be traced back to Marco Polo’s visit to China in the 13th century. He surprised European royalty when he returned to Italy with a grey-green porcelain pot.
However, from art turn to daily necessities, porcelain starts to be really popular was in the 16th and 17th centuries AD, with the reason for the tea rising up in Europe.
Especially in the 17th century, with the flourishing of the Dutch, British and Portuguese trading fleets and the introduction of a large number of Chinese porcelain, porcelain teaware became more and more popular. And because of the demise of the Ming dynasty, the export was interrupted for a time, and Japanese porcelain began to take a place in the field of European porcelain.
So, in the tea trend that began in the early 17th century, most teawares used by Europeans were teapots and cups imported from China and Japan.
A teacup with Oriental style
A teacup with Oriental style
At that time, in addition to existing products of Chinese and Japanese origin, importers also began to ask porcelain manufacturers in both places to make teawares of European style.
According to historical data about black tea, the teaware used at that time, the teapot was shaped like a Chinese teapot, but the teacup with no handle and a “saucer” underneath.
It is generally believed that this design is based on “saucer” commonly used in China and Japan, but the shape is larger than the saucer and deeper, and the capacity is even the same as the teacup. So guess it was because the tea was too hot, people had the habit of pouring it into the saucer to cool it before drinking it. It may sound crass, but it was once a popular way to drink tea.

The Birth of Europe Local Black Tea Teaware

From that time, Europe began to realize that it was too dependent on imported teaware from China and Japan. So, in the same way of black tea, Europe began to invest a lot of money in developing high-quality homemade porcelain, but it often failed.
Till 1709 that Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus, a mathematician and chemist, and Johann Friedrich Bottger, an alchemist, successfully developed Europe’s the first white hard porcelain in the alchemy laboratory built by King Auguste ii of Poland.
In 1710, the Meissen porcelain kiln was founded. After that, other European countries followed suit. By the middle of the 18th century, European countries were able to produce their own porcelain, leading to the further development of black tea teaware into a more suitable form for European custom:
The European style teacup that evolves through ceaseless development
The European style teacup that evolves through ceaseless development
For example, handles began to appear on teacups. In fact, cups with handles had been used in Europe for a time, but it was not until this time that they became popular. At this time, the cups became easy to hold and the saucers became flatten.
At the same time, there are more and more different teawares appear, such as saucers, teapots, hot kettles, measuring teaspoons, filtering spoons, milk cups, trays, dessert plates, even hourglass, and tea bell are developed, it forms a complete and exquisite teaware system.
And because of different tea drinking habits in different countries, in the shape of the use of a little change, such as Russian “samovar“, Turkish “çaydanlık.”
The patterns on the tea set are gradually getting rid of the Chinese and Japanese styles, and they begin to use the natural flowers and animals patterns favored by Europeans, as well as the pictures and texts of Greek and Roman architectures. The “Renaissance” time of the teaware began.

Friday, December 6, 2019

How did Assam black tea become popular in the world

India Assam tea garden
India Assam Tea Garden
Black tea is a kind of drink that gets the person to love, and Assam black tea is the most representative in it.
Today we will learn about how Assam black tea became popular all over the world step by step

The largest black tea product location – Assam

Known as the world’s largest tea product location, Assam is located in the foothills of the Himalayas in northeastern India. The temperature difference between day and night in Assam is large, and the rainfall is abundant and the light is intense. Grown in this climate, Assam tea has a unique astringency and mellow taste.
According to recent statistics, India ranks second only to China in terms of tea production but ranks first in terms of black tea production alone. It is not only the earliest production of black tea countries outside China, and not to be underestimated from the flavor, characteristics, the uniqueness of the classic production areas, as well as the influence on the later black tea industry.

The developing history of Assam black tea in India

Although the development of tea in India did not start until modern times, according to research, there were records of tea being picked as a drink as early as 700 BC. And records of tea being cooked with oil and garlic as a vegetable was also found around the 16th century.
India’s black tea industry began in the late 1700s when Britain was Europe’s largest consumer of black tea. In addition to starting to dump opium on China in exchange for tea, the idea of growing black tea in the country’s other Asian colonies came to mind to balance the huge trade surplus caused by rising annual tea consumption.
In the 1780s, the British East India company first tried to grow tea seeds from China in the botanical gardens of Calcutta, but the results were not very satisfactory. In 1832, Scottish explorer Robert Bruce stumbled across large-leaved tea tree across the Brahmaputra valley in Assam, and the natives picked and drank it early.
The Assam black tea is the basic of Indian people's tea drinking life
The Assam black tea is the basic of Indian people’s tea drinking life
The samples obtained were identified and confirmed to have the potential for cultivation, so tea gardens were built under the guidance of local aristocrats Manyam Dhawan, and tea makers were invited from Wuyi, Fujian province to teach tea making techniques.
Therefore, in the future black tea industry, the large-leaved tea trees in this area are always be called “Assam tea”, and in Taiwan, the term “Assam tea” is also used to refer to the tea produced from large-leaved tea trees originating from Assam, India.
In 1838, the first tea arrived in London. The golden age of Indian tea began in 1840 with the establishment of the Assam tea company and its expansion into the rest of India.

Black tea from tea garden to market

More than 90% of the black tea produced by Assam is processed by the CTC method, which is mainly used for drinking in the Indian domestic consumer market. The Orthodox way processes less than 10% of the black tea.
At present, tea plantations in Assam are mainly distributed on both sides of the Brahmaputra valley. High temperature and high humidity weather produce excellent tea with a unique flavor. In the production season, tea leaves can be picked and made every year from March to the end of November before winter comes. But the best tea is picked in late April and then in the warm, dry season before the rainy season begins in late June.
High-grade CTC Assam black tea
High-grade CTC Assam black tea
It’s worth noting that in addition to the traditional strong flavor, Assam also produces a small amount of high-grade black tea with golden leaf buds, the flavor is dense, with fragrant, bright fruit and floral flavor, people like it very much.

The effect of steeping tea temperature – how can we control the water temperature well?

Steep Tea With Water In Right Temperature
Steep Tea With Water In Right Temperature
When steeping tea, one of the most important factors is using the water with the right temperature. Too high water temperature will affect the fresh taste of tea; If the water temperature is too low, the tea flavor and aroma will not fully be extracted.
It can be seen that the temperature of water affects the taste and aroma of tea. And different tea leaves have different requirements for water temperature.
So, how should we control the steeping tea temperature?

The effect of different water temperature on steeping tea

Control The Water Temperature
Control The Water Temperature

1.    Steeping tea with low-temperature water

The temperature of the water is amount 70℃~85℃; it’s the ideal water temperature for steeping fresh tea. Such as Dragon well tea, or delicate green tea, white tea, and yellow tea.
Because the buds and leaves are very delicate, if the water temperature is too high, the tea will be cooked, the taste is naturally reduced, also lost the unique taste and aroma of the tea.

2.    Steeping tea with middle-temperature water

The temperature of the water is amount 85℃~95℃; this temperature is generally the most suitable. For most tea, steeping at low-temperatures will prevent the aroma from volatilization; However, boiling water in tea is easy to make the tea cooked, destroy many substances in the tea, and also make the tannic acid and other substances in the tea dissolve, make the tea with a bitter taste, affecting the quality.
Therefore, most tea leaves are suitable for steeping with water in this temperature range.

3.    Steeping tea with high-temperature water

The temperature of the water is amount 95℃~100℃, such as black tea(steep black-tea tea bags methods), Pu ‘er, suitable for boiling water to steep. Because if the water is not hot enough, the tea will float and the aroma will not be fully volatilization.
Besides, in plateau areas, the water temperature is often less than 100℃ boiling, the water cannot steep good tea at this time. But most people in the highlands also like drinking tea, so it’s better to steep with boiling water. They are accustomed to putting tea leaves in boiling water and heating them together for a while, to better dissolve the substances in the tea.

Factors that affect steeping tea temperature

 Control The Steeping Tea Temperature
Control The Steeping Tea Temperature
Most of the time people will find, the tea is not good to drink, even the water is at the right temperature, and the unique flavor and aroma of tea cannot be produced. Maybe there are some factors affecting the water temperature, during the steeping process:

1.    Whether the tea has ever been refrigerated

Some times, people store tea in the refrigerator, to delay the shelf life. However, they usually took out the tea and put into the teapot directly; the cold-tea will lower the temperature of the water. Therefore, the tea after refrigeration must be taken out in advance, so that the tea can be steeped at room temperature.

2.    Has the teapot been preheated

Whether the teapot been preheated or not before putting the tea in, is also affected the temperature of the water. If the teapot hasn’t been preheated, the temperature of the water will low down about 5℃~10℃ after adding. So it’s very important to preheat the teapot in first round. After the first round, it becomes less important to preheat the teapot, and more important to pay attention to the time interval, which is the cooling of the teapot and the tea inside.
It’s easy to preheat the teapot. Adding 4/5 boiling water, and pour it out after 30s. You can also preheat the teapot in an incubator or oven, take it out when you using.
It is worth noting that the effect of preheating varies from teapot to teapot. Because the amount of heat absorption of the teapot body often depends on the thickness and density of the pot wall. The greater the thickness and the lower the density, the more heat absorption; This is different from the heat preservation ability of the teapot. The thicker the pot wall, the lower the density, the stronger the heat preservation ability, which means the slower the heat dissipation speed.
But the teapot must in the case without water seepage or water absorption is not great; otherwise, the teapot is not suitable for use. Therefore, as far as tea steeping function is concerned, a teapot with a thin thickness, high density, and fast heat dissipation speed is better.

3.    Pre-steeped

Preheated The Teacup Can Control The Temperature Better
Preheated The Teacup Can Control The Temperature Better
When steeping tea, pouring out the tea after adding water a few seconds, we called it “pre-steeped.” It can make tea absorb the heat of water, increase humidity, make the tea after rolling a little stretch so that the first tea to play a proper color, aroma, taste. The release of soluble substances from the tea leaves is also accelerated when we steeping tea later.
Sometimes, the “pre-steeped” can be omitted, especially for those soluble tea leaves that dissolve quickly, the “pre-steeped” will make the tea lose a lot of aroma and taste.
The first round after “pre-steeped,” the temperature of the water will drop by 3℃~5℃, more tea leaves, more difference in water temperature will be. So we must control the time of “pre-steeped.”
In addition to the three factors above, water temperature is also affected by the environment. For example, the water temperature decreases slowly in summer, but rapidly in winter. In colder regions, water temperatures naturally drop faster. In that case, just raise the temperature of the tea or extend the steeping time.
Knowing the factors that affect the water temperature, we can find strategies to keep the water at the right temperature during the steeping process.