Sunday, November 10, 2019

The influence of steeping times on tea taste

Steeping Times Can Influence The Taste Of Tea
Steeping Times Can Influence The Taste Of Tea
Do you know the influence of steeping times? How many times should we steep the tea in the same pot? It will decide the tea taste very much.
We often see people drinking tea like this:
Some people put only a little tea in a cup, and steep it, again and again, one pot of tea can drink all day;
Some people only steep one round, and steep again for the next;

How Does The Steeping Times Affect Tea Taste

Although can not say that their approach is wrong, but the times of tea steeping is exquisite, according to the specific tea varieties vary.
According to the research, the precipitation rate of various active components in tea is different. After steeping a pot of tea, the easiest to separate out are amino acids and vitamin C, they probably in the first round can be separated; Caffeine, tea polyphenols and soluble sugars followed.
That is to say, during the first two times of steeping, these easily precipitated substances have been incorporated into the tea.

How Many Steeping Times Is The Beat For Green Tea

Take green tea as an example. When steeped for the first time, the soluble substances in the tea can be separated by about 50%. When steeping the second time, it can precipitate about 30%. When steeping the third time, it can precipitate about 10%.
Therefore, the more times of steeping, the lower the precipitation rate of soluble substances. I believe that many people must have the experience, the more times green tea steeps, its taste will be almost the same as plain water.
Usually, high-grade green tea can only be steeped 2 or 3 times, because the leaves are relatively tender, too much steeping will affect the quality of the tea; in the case of a black tea bag, it can be steeped only once; Oolong tea can even be steeped more times, reaching 5~9 times; as for the old Pu’er, some kinds can steep more than 20 times, because the material contained in it is very slow.
In addition to the number of steeping times, the steeping time of tea has a lot to do with the effect of beneficial ingredients contained in tea leaves.
Black Tea Bag Is Best To Be Steep Only One Time
Black Tea Bag Is Best To Be Steep Only One Time
Any type of tea should not be steeped for too long. It is best to drink it immediately after steeping. Otherwise, the beneficial ingredients will be oxidized, which will not only reduce the nutritional value but also may produce harmful substances.
And, the concentration of tea should not be too high, it will cause harm to the stomach.So, the number of tea steeping not only affects the quality of tea but also affects the health of the body, it can not be ignored.

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