Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Bamboo Teaware | 2019 Buying Guide and Maintenance

Bamboo teaware has both ornamental and collection value
Bamboo teaware has both ornamental and collection value
Bamboo teaware refers to the teaware which processing by nature bamboo and wood, with handcrafted or machine to cut, carve and whittle. Bamboo teaware is mostly basic teaware, such as teacup, tea tray, and tea props, etc.

The Advantages of Bamboo Teaware

Bamboo teaware has been for a long time. As tea drinking culture is popular gradually, teaware demand increases day by day, but the price of metal teaware such as gold and silver is expensive, accordingly. So, the bamboo teaware, which is made of relatively cheap material and easy to produce, become popular in the group.
Tea props usually made by bamboo
Tea props usually made by bamboo
The materials of bamboo teaware are readily available and handcrafted. Nature bamboo will not affect the taste of tea when steeping, and unlike some porcelain teawares, it doesn’t contain chemicals like industrial lead. Some times, steeping tea with the newly made bamboo teaware may have a fragrance of bamboo, but it won’t be bad for health.
Some bamboo teawares have not only practical value, but also high appreciation value. For example, the bamboo can made by boxwood, and a tea can made by old bamboo, and especially the bamboo teaware which has an excellent carver on it, are the best gift for friends and collection. Now, most people buy bamboo teaware, not just for use, more they want is their collection value.
A very valuable bamboo tea props can
A very valuable bamboo tea props can

Buying Guide of Bamboo Teaware

To buy bamboo teaware, must taking care at these two points:
  1. When buying bamboo teaware, touch the surface and back of the article with your hands carefully, it will be an inferior-quality product if there are spikes or sharp places. Because it is easy to Pierce the hand in the process of use.
2. Observe teaware inside and outside carefully, see the quality of the material whether exquisite and smooth, even improper and mildewy. Whether bamboo or wood, if the long-term exposure to moisture, is easy to be moldy, this must be carefully identified. If it is tea storage equipment, also check the tightness is good.
A proper tea tray should have a perfectly smooth surface
A proper tea tray should have a perfectly smooth surface
Different techniques applied to bamboo teaware will make them more valuable. When you choose and buy, whether the sculpture craft that should watch teaware carefully is elaborate, whether to exist material to owe the case with little makings, style whether to show originality.

Bamboo Teaware Maintenance

Bamboo teaware is different from those made of other materials, and they also have unique maintenance principles.
Bamboo teaware should be clean and maintained well
Bamboo teaware should be clean and maintained well
1. Store in good condition. When the bamboo teaware is stored, the surrounding environment should be kept good. A too wet environment will make the teaware moldy and growing insects, while the too dry environment will make the bamboo teaware deformed, especially the bamboo tea tray. Also, pay attention to the storage place whether there is a corrosive smell, such an environment is not conducive to the preservation of bamboo teaware.
2. Avoid thermal expansion and contraction of teaware. When steeping tea with bamboo teaware, notice that not to cool it down with water after using immediately. According to the principle of thermal expansion and contraction, bamboo tea sets are easily broken and hurt people.
3. Take it out once in a while to get some sun. The bamboo teaware that hasn’t use for a long time, can take out bask in the sun when the weather is good, prevent mildewy, growing insects, but avoid long time sunshine to bask in, be out of shape very easily otherwise.
4. Clean up in time. After using the bamboo teaware, to timely scrub clean with water, avoid leaving tea stain on the top. After the cleaning, to dry treatment, storage for the next use.

Taste shock from mixing | Blended Tea and Flavoured Tea

Tea blended with different kinds of ingredients can bring a strong taste shock
Tea blended with different kinds of ingredients can bring a strong taste shock
Open the online tea store catalog, and you can find that it generally falls into two parts – Origin tea and Blended tea. Compared with the single and strong regional flavor sought by origin tea, blended tea emphasizes the unique flavor created by tea brands and tea master according to different taste needs.

Advantages of blended tea

Because of the tea master will blend tea based on consumer taste requirements, so blended tea also tends to be more acceptable than origin teas, and more convenient according to own preferences, different ways to drink tea and time to make a choice.
Besides, the tea brand style can also be clearly observed from the signature blend tea of various well-known tea brands. For example, Mariage Frères (France) blended tea is mostly rich in aroma and flavor; Fortnum & Mason (Britain) blended tea is full of aristocratic temperament; Japanese brand tends to be cute and stylish; It’s very interesting. Whether it is a pot of milk aroma English breakfast tea or Earl Grey, Mariage Frères Wedding Imperial Tea or Fortnum & Mason Queen Anne at breakfast time, blended tea remains a distinct taste of life.

Blended Tea

The famous Mariage Frères blended tea
The famous Mariage Frères blended tea
Tea masters blend tea from different regions(India, Sri Lanka, and Chian, three main sources of blended tea), to produce the unique flavor blended tea. Generally, it should be paid attention to the balance and coordination of taste and aroma during tea blending, and the shape and size of tea should be consistent as far as possible for steeping purposes.
The most famous blended tea is English breakfast tea. The formula of each tea brands is different. Usually, it will be formulated with a strong and full aroma and taste, and it is suitable for milk. Other well-known blended tea, such as Mariage Frères (France) Wedding Imperial Tea, which blended by Ceylon tea from the different region; Harrods(Britain) No.14 Breakfast Tea, which blended by India tea, Ceylon tea, Kenya tea, and Darjeeling tea; Fortnum & Mason(Britain) Queen Anne Tea, which blended by India tea and Ceylon tea; They are all famous blended tea.
Many tea brands often take the tea-drinking time as the allocation and naming principle, such as breakfast tea, noon chai, afternoon tea, evening tea and so on. Breakfast tea focus on the strong and thick taste, afternoon tea focus on aroma and relaxed feeling, evening tea focus on help digestion.

Flavoured Tea

Flavoured tea which has many types of flavor
Flavoured tea which has many types of flavor
Add into ingredients such as fruit, flower, herb, perfume or essence oil into the blended tea, to create a variety of aroma and rich taste, that’s how flavoured tea make. Flavored tea is the most acceptable and favorite tea for casual black tea newbies.
Earl Grey is the most classic flavoured tea with a long history. This kind of tea is from China, blended the aroma from Bergamot Lemon. It is said that Earl Grey, who was the British Navy Minister in the 19th century, loved LapSang Souchong very much, but it was too expensive to buy. So he asked the tea merchant from London to copy it by blending the spice which available at that time, to enjoy every day. And so it spread by time.
Who was the tea merchant at that time actually? For a long time, the argument of this problem has never disappeared, the famous tea brands competing for the legitimate founding position, debate. However, no matter who it comes from, Earl Grey tea, which was originally just an imitation of LapSang Souchong, has gradually become popular for more than two hundred years and even become a more popular and daily tea than LapSang Souchong.
Other common flavoured tea recipes have a different style from each other. In addition to rose, jasmine, violet, lavender and other herbal tea, there are lychee, peach, apple, banana, pineapple, grape and other fruit ingredients. And even caramel pudding, tiramisu tea, really dazzling.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

5 representative white teas and their benefits for health

White tea is characterized by a fine white fuzz on the leaves
White tea is characterized by a fine white fuzz on the leaves
White tea is picked from tender buds, which has a fine white fuzz on the back of the leaves. Different from green tea, it is not frying or rolling during processing. It will be dried naturally or baked by a slow fire so that the white fuzz is retained completely on the surface of the tea.
The steeping time of white tea needs is longer than other types of tea because there is no rolling in the processing. Summer is the most suitable season to drink white tea, because of white tea belong cool thing(In traditional Chinese medicine), taste sweet and Heat-clearing and Detoxifying.
Here are 5 representative white teas and their benefits for health.

Silver Needle White Tea

Silver Needle White Tea looks like a needle
Silver Needle White Tea looks like a needle
Silver needle white tea, Baihao for short, is mainly produced in Fujian province, China. As the raw materials of fresh leaves are all tea buds, when it processes into tea, which is shaped like a needle and covered with white fuzz. It looks like a silver color needle, so it is called Silver Needle. When steeping the Silver Needle, the aroma is fresh and the taste is mellow. The tea leaves will stand up in the cup and look very interesting.
Benefits for health
  1. Improve blood sugar balance: In addition to the inherent nutrients of other types of tea, Silver Needle tea also contains active enzymes necessary for the human body. Medical research has proved that long-term drinking white tea can significantly improve the activity of lipase in the body, promote the metabolism of fat, effectively control the secretion of insulin, slow down the absorption of glucose in the small intestine, decompose the excess sugar in the blood, and promote the balance of blood sugar.
  2. Improving eyesight: Silver Needle is rich in provitamin A, it is absorbed by the human body, can be quickly converted to vitamin A, vitamin A can synthesize rhodopsin, can make the eyes see things more clearly in dark light.

Bai Mudan White Tea

Bai Mudan White Tea looks like a flower when steeping
Bai Mudan White Tea looks like a flower when steeping
Bai Mudan, a famous tea in the history of Fujian, China, is made of Fuding Big white tea and Fuding Dahao tea through traditional processing. Because its tea leaves contain a silver-white core, looks like a flower, it will full bloom like a flower during steeping, so-called Bai Mudan.
Benefits for health
  1. Anti-radiation: Bai Mudan White Tea has anti-radiation substances, which can play a significant role in protecting the hematopoietic function of the human body.
  2. Liver protection: Bai Mudan White Tea is rich in natural flavonoids, such as dihydromyricetin, which can protect the liver, because it can accelerate the decomposition of acetaldehyde, a metabolite of ethanol, into non-toxic substances, thereby reducing the damage to liver cells.

Gong Mei White Tea

Ole Gong Mei White Tea, it is very expensive
Ole Gong Mei White Tea, it is very expensive
Gong Mei, also mainly produced in Fujian, China. It is made of the most tender bud leaves of tea, “Gong” means the best in Chinese, the quality is higher than Silver Needle, also known as “Shou Mei”. Gongmei nutritional effect and Silver Needle similar, have improved eyesight and radiation protection and other effects.

Fuding White Tea

Fuding White Tea
Fuding White Tea
Fuding White Tea is made by a series of delicate processes, such as withering, drying and baking. Fuding white tea has a special effect, can relieve from face due to congestion and red, people who drink red wine.
Benefits for health
  1. Heat-clearing: In traditional Chinese medicine, the nature of white tea belongs cool, can effectively heat- clearing, reduces dryness feeling in the body.
  2. Cosmetology effect: White tea free radical content is low, often drink white tea or its related extracts can play the role of beauty. So fuding white tea is also called “Tea For Women”.
  3. Inhibit bacterial growth: Fuding white tea can prevent staphylococcal infection, pulmonary infection and Streptococcus Pneumoniae infection effectively.

Moonlight White Tea

Moonlight White Tea looks very strange with black and white color
Moonlight White Tea looks very strange with black and white color
Moonlight White Tea, also known as “moonlight beauty”, its shape is strange, one bud with one leaf, the surface is white, the back is black, looks like a curved moon, color contrast make it feel illuminated by moonlight, so-called Moonlight White Tea.
Benefits for health
  1. Skin-care benefits: the alkyds in tea can help remove dead skin, encourage new cells to reach the skin’s surface more quickly, and help combat wrinkles.
  2. Lower sterol levels in the body: tea contains caffeine, amino acids, tea polyphenols and other compounds, which can promote the decomposition of cholesterol and triglycerides in the body.

4 black tea producing countries, small scale but not allow to ignoring

One of the largest black tea producing countries - China
One of the largest black tea producing countries – China
Although there are many black tea producing countries in the world, except for India, China, and Sri Lanka three major producing areas, the other region is mainly producing low-priced crushed tea or CTC tea, for providing tea bags manufacturing, in region characteristic, importance, and diversity, it is not worth mentioning. But there are still 4 small black tea producing countries are famous for its unique black tea:

Kenya – One of the largest tea producing countries in Africa

Into the 20th century, one of the colonies of western powers, Africa also became another large-scale development of black tea producing country after south Asian countries, mainly concentrated in the East African plateau. Although each country after 2 world war is independent in succession, black tea still is local important economy crop, cultivate dimensions and yield all extremely large. Among them, Kenya attracts the most attention.
Kenya Black Tea Garden
Kenya Black Tea Garden
Black tea cultivation in Kenya began in 1902 during the British colonial period. After independence in 1963, small-scale tea plantations became popular. The main tea producing areas are located in the plateau and valley on the west side of Kenya mountains, with an altitude of 1000 ~ 2700 meters. It can be providing all the year, and the best seasons are January, February, and June.
Black tea produced in there more than 90% is CTC black tea, only a small part of the small characteristic tea garden produced orthodox black tea. High-quality black tea from Kenya is full with a refreshing aroma of fruits, cereals and spices, taste strong.

Nepal – Comparable to the black tea in India

Nilgiri Nepal Tea Garden
Nilgiri Nepal Tea Garden
Nepal black tea is mainly planted in the Himalayan foothills, 900 ~ 2100 meters above sea level, close to Darjeeling and Sikkim in India. Not only the terrain, climate, but the season and soil conditions are also the same, and because the tea tree and tea planting method are derived from Darjeeling, the flavor is very similar to Darjeeling, full of elegant fragrance and fruit aroma, the taste is soft and clear.

Indonesia – The first tea transfer station in the world

Indonesia Bandung Black Tea Garden
Indonesia Bandung Black Tea Garden
Indonesia is the first tea transfer station in the world. Around 1610 AD, the Dutch East India company first used the Indonesian island of Java as a centralized and transshipment point to introduce tea and teawares from Japan and China, which played an important role in the early history of the tea trade. (Economic history of Indonesia)
In the early 19th century, the Dutch East India company first tried to grow tea trees on Java from Chinese seeds, but it was not very successful. It was not until the later introduction of Assam tea from India that it began to develop rapidly. The main planting areas are in central and western Java and northern Sumatra, where the climate is dry and warm. Tea is produced all the year round, but the best season is July, August, and September. Indonesian black tea is light and mild and is popular in the inexpensive tea market.

Japan – Black tea is a minority hobby

Japanese Ise Black Tea
Japanese Ise Black Tea
Rarely mentioned in the black tea world, but Japan is also one of the black tea producing country; Although the production is small, from north Nagano to the south Okinawa have production, so in Japan, we can see the local black tea in the tea shop.

Black tea cultivation in Japan began in the early Meiji period of the 1870s. The world trend at that time, black tea has completely replaced green tea, become the focus of western tea drinking, the original green tea as the main export products in Japan, had to turn to black tea produced; With development, to 1955, Japan’s national black tea exports had reached more than 8,000 tons. After that, as the economy took off after World War ii, Japanese domestic black tea gradually lost its competitiveness in price, which was further aggravated by the severe blow of black tea trade liberalization in 1971.

In addition, there are temperate terroir limitations, Japan lacks suitable for the cultivation and production of black tea environment, which produced is entirely different grade from Japanese green tea. Until now, Japanese black tea has mainly circulated between black tea lovers and a small group of people who worship local ingredients.