Thursday, January 9, 2020

5 representative white teas and their benefits for health

White tea is characterized by a fine white fuzz on the leaves
White tea is characterized by a fine white fuzz on the leaves
White tea is picked from tender buds, which has a fine white fuzz on the back of the leaves. Different from green tea, it is not frying or rolling during processing. It will be dried naturally or baked by a slow fire so that the white fuzz is retained completely on the surface of the tea.
The steeping time of white tea needs is longer than other types of tea because there is no rolling in the processing. Summer is the most suitable season to drink white tea, because of white tea belong cool thing(In traditional Chinese medicine), taste sweet and Heat-clearing and Detoxifying.
Here are 5 representative white teas and their benefits for health.

Silver Needle White Tea

Silver Needle White Tea looks like a needle
Silver Needle White Tea looks like a needle
Silver needle white tea, Baihao for short, is mainly produced in Fujian province, China. As the raw materials of fresh leaves are all tea buds, when it processes into tea, which is shaped like a needle and covered with white fuzz. It looks like a silver color needle, so it is called Silver Needle. When steeping the Silver Needle, the aroma is fresh and the taste is mellow. The tea leaves will stand up in the cup and look very interesting.
Benefits for health
  1. Improve blood sugar balance: In addition to the inherent nutrients of other types of tea, Silver Needle tea also contains active enzymes necessary for the human body. Medical research has proved that long-term drinking white tea can significantly improve the activity of lipase in the body, promote the metabolism of fat, effectively control the secretion of insulin, slow down the absorption of glucose in the small intestine, decompose the excess sugar in the blood, and promote the balance of blood sugar.
  2. Improving eyesight: Silver Needle is rich in provitamin A, it is absorbed by the human body, can be quickly converted to vitamin A, vitamin A can synthesize rhodopsin, can make the eyes see things more clearly in dark light.

Bai Mudan White Tea

Bai Mudan White Tea looks like a flower when steeping
Bai Mudan White Tea looks like a flower when steeping
Bai Mudan, a famous tea in the history of Fujian, China, is made of Fuding Big white tea and Fuding Dahao tea through traditional processing. Because its tea leaves contain a silver-white core, looks like a flower, it will full bloom like a flower during steeping, so-called Bai Mudan.
Benefits for health
  1. Anti-radiation: Bai Mudan White Tea has anti-radiation substances, which can play a significant role in protecting the hematopoietic function of the human body.
  2. Liver protection: Bai Mudan White Tea is rich in natural flavonoids, such as dihydromyricetin, which can protect the liver, because it can accelerate the decomposition of acetaldehyde, a metabolite of ethanol, into non-toxic substances, thereby reducing the damage to liver cells.

Gong Mei White Tea

Ole Gong Mei White Tea, it is very expensive
Ole Gong Mei White Tea, it is very expensive
Gong Mei, also mainly produced in Fujian, China. It is made of the most tender bud leaves of tea, “Gong” means the best in Chinese, the quality is higher than Silver Needle, also known as “Shou Mei”. Gongmei nutritional effect and Silver Needle similar, have improved eyesight and radiation protection and other effects.

Fuding White Tea

Fuding White Tea
Fuding White Tea
Fuding White Tea is made by a series of delicate processes, such as withering, drying and baking. Fuding white tea has a special effect, can relieve from face due to congestion and red, people who drink red wine.
Benefits for health
  1. Heat-clearing: In traditional Chinese medicine, the nature of white tea belongs cool, can effectively heat- clearing, reduces dryness feeling in the body.
  2. Cosmetology effect: White tea free radical content is low, often drink white tea or its related extracts can play the role of beauty. So fuding white tea is also called “Tea For Women”.
  3. Inhibit bacterial growth: Fuding white tea can prevent staphylococcal infection, pulmonary infection and Streptococcus Pneumoniae infection effectively.

Moonlight White Tea

Moonlight White Tea looks very strange with black and white color
Moonlight White Tea looks very strange with black and white color
Moonlight White Tea, also known as “moonlight beauty”, its shape is strange, one bud with one leaf, the surface is white, the back is black, looks like a curved moon, color contrast make it feel illuminated by moonlight, so-called Moonlight White Tea.
Benefits for health
  1. Skin-care benefits: the alkyds in tea can help remove dead skin, encourage new cells to reach the skin’s surface more quickly, and help combat wrinkles.
  2. Lower sterol levels in the body: tea contains caffeine, amino acids, tea polyphenols and other compounds, which can promote the decomposition of cholesterol and triglycerides in the body.

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