Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Choose the best tea storage container for loose leaf tea

Choose the best tea storage container is an important thing
Choose the best tea storage container is an important thing
To enjoy tea, high-quality tea and teaware are needed. But what is often overlooked by people is that a good tea storage container is also essential. A good tea storage container to have good sealing performance, light insulation, moisture-proof, deodorization, anti-oxidation characteristics.
We usually use a container to store loose leaf tea. According to the different material, there are many kinds of tea storage container, how to choose a suitable one?

Tin Tea Storage Container

Tin tea container is the best for storing tea
Tin tea container is the best for storing tea
Tin texture soft and toughness, has a good sealing performance, play a good role in oxidation resistance.
The tea container made of tin has no metal odor, the container can always be kept in a constant temperature so that the tea will not be affected by moisture, but also to avoid light and to maintain the aroma.
Tin tea container is suitable for storing all kinds of tea because of its excellent tightness. In particular, green tea, which contains a lot of tea polyphenols, can effectively slow down its oxidation rate and retain its nutritional value and aroma.
So the tin container is the best choice for storing loose leaf tea.

Silver Tea Storage Container

Silver tea container has an exquisite appearance  but  expensive
Silver tea container has an exquisite appearance but expensive
The tea container made by silver has the most beautiful appearance. It has the same advantages as the tin tea container, but silver is much more expensive than the tin one.
The surface of the silver teaware is easy to oxidize and blackening, which needs constant careful maintain.
Because of its exquisite appearance, the collection value of the silver tea storage container is much greater than its use-value.

Iron Tea Storage Container

The iron tea storage container is easy to rust
The iron tea storage container is easy to rust
As a kind of metal teaware, iron is the worst for store loose leaf tea.
Although the iron tea storage container has a good sealing performance, but the iron is very easy to rust, its moisture-proof performance is very poor.
Tea easily absorbs the smell of the surrounding environment, and if the iron tea container rusts, the smell of rust will affect the quality of the tea.
But the price of iron tea container is relatively cheap, so it is still very popular. For short – term storage of tea, there will be no bad effects.

Clay And Porcelain Tea Storage Container

The porcelain tea storage container has a Chinese style
The porcelain tea storage container has a Chinese style
The clay tea storage container has a great breathability. So it is good for storing the tea which needs aging, such as dark tea and brick tea, but not for non-fermented tea, such as green tea.
And porcelain tea storage container, because of the glazing on the surface, its airtightness is greatly improved, can be satisfied to store non-fermented tea.
Clay and porcelain tea storage container are the Chinese traditional teaware, has a very good collection and the appreciation value.

Glass Tea Storage Container

The glass tea container is weak at avoiding light
The glass tea container is weak at avoiding light
The glass tea storage container also has an exquisite appearance and great airtightness. But its drawback is the light transmission.
Tea storage should be kept out of the sun as it speeds up the fermentation process. Making the tea lose its aroma and color, and the taste will become bad.
Many tea stores use the glass container to store tea, to enable guests to better view and choose tea. But they will place them in a sunless place, to protect it from the sun.
So the glass container is not recommended for long-term storage of loose leaf tea.

Cardboard Tea Storage Container

Cardboard is the most common packaging for loose leaf tea selling
The cardboard container is the most common packaging for loose leaf tea selling
Cardboard tea storage container is the sales packaging for many loose leaf tea products. Its has a low price, but poor sealing, easy to be affected with damp, and deformation. Not recommended for storing tea.

Wooden Tea Storage Container

The wooden tea storage container is hard and light
The wooden tea storage container is hard and light
Wooden tea storage has a great advantage – hard. It’s not as fragile as the ceramic one or the glass one, and not as easy to be deformed as the metal one.
But it has a fatal drawback, is more easily to be damp than the iron tea storage container. Once the wood gets wet, moss will grow, had a fatal effect on the quality of tea. So wooden tea storage container is more suitably used to store tea for a short time when going out. Hard and light, make it has strong portability.

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