Sunday, May 10, 2020

Best Loss Weight Herbal Tea: Lemon Verbena Tea, 4 Benefits & How To Brew It

Lemon verbena tea is good for loss weight
Lemon verbena tea is good for loss weight
Lemon verbena is a common herbal tea, it is said that there is a very significant effect in losing weight and thin legs, with the refreshing fragrance of close to lemon, make it popular in the office ladies who sit a long time.

What Is Lemon Verbena Tea

Lemon verbena is origin in South America, transplanted to Europe by the Spanish in the 17th century. Because of its narrow and long fresh green leaves containing a rich volatile oil (mainly to citral), giving off a strong lemon aroma, make it popular in the market, and won the “Herbal Tea Queen” reputation. People usually crushed the leaves and added to foods, beverages or desserts to promote flavor.
Lemon verbena tea is made from dried lemon verbena leaves and stems. The lemon verbena tea after steeped is light green, smooth and a bit viscosity, with a fresh aroma similar to lemon and citrus, and a slight astringency similar to herbs.
Lemon verbena tea is made from its narrow and long dried leaves
Lemon verbena tea is made from its narrow and long dried leaves

Lemon Verbena Tea Benefits

Lemon verbena tea is so popular not only because of its fresh smell and pleasant taste but also because of its excellent health benefits.

Mental Management

Lemon verbena is often used in aromatherapy, and the lemon verbena tea also can help people to soothe nerves and refreshing because of its strong aroma, it will be nice having a cup when feeling tired at work.
Since lemon verbena tea is a kind of herbal tea, not belong to the real tea, so it contains no caffeine. The ability to relax the nerves makes it has good help in sleeping, having a cup of lemon verbena tea 3 hours before going bed, can help improve the sleeping quality well.

Loss Weight Effect

Loss weight effect is the greatest benefit, and the main reason popular in ladies of lemon verbena tea. The adiponectin[4.3] that lemon verbena contains, can control the metabolization of the human body effectively, slow down adipose accumulation and generation, achieve the purpose of loss weight.
In addition, the polyphenols in lemon verbena can also control the body’s adipose level and reduce obesity-related diseases.
Most office ladies will sit for a long time, leading to thigh edema, losing their body curvaceous. Having lemon verbena tea while working, not only can obtain a better mental state, still can eliminate thigh edema.
The lemon verbena tea after brewed is light green
The lemon verbena tea after brewed is light green

Relieves Respiratory Inflammation

Lemon verbena is rich in flavonoids and has anti-inflammatory effects. When you suffer from respiratory tract inflammation, sore throat and other diseases, lemon verbena tea’s volatile aroma and anti-inflammatory effect, can quickly relieve symptoms, reduce the discomfort of the throat and nose.
Luteolin – a kind of flavonoid that lemon verbena contains, is a natural antioxidant. According to research, in addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, but also has the ability to eliminate free radicals, protect cells from reactive oxygen species (ROS) induced damage, to achieve the purpose of preventing cancer.

Treat Muscle Damage

Muscles can become sore or even damage after intense exercise. Having a cup of lemon verbena tea, the polyphenols it contains can effectively ease muscle soreness, treat the damage and helping the muscle recover quickly[7].

Lemon Verbena Tea Side Effect


Although there is no relevant research proof, it is generally believed that lemon verbena tea’s effect on the muscles, will similarly cause uterine muscle contraction, there is a certain risk for pregnant women. So pregnant women should avoid lemon vervain tea.

Frequent Urination

Lemon verbena tea can promote the metabolism of the human body for weight loss. But to some people, having too much lemon verbena tea may easy to cause frequent urination. If having lemon verbena tea just before going to bed, not only helpless on sleep but also easy to affect the quality of sleep due to frequent urination.

How To Make Lemon Verbena Tea

Lemon verbena rosemary tea
Lemon verbena rosemary tea
Put 10-15 pieces of lemon verbena tea into the teapot, add boiling water and steep for about 10 minutes, until the tea leaves are fully stretching.
The lemon verbena tea after steeped is light green, with a fresh lemon aroma. You can add honey or maple syrup to season the flavor according to your taste.
Lemon verbena tea also can be brew with other herbs, such as rosemary tea and marigold tea, the taste and benefits will be better.

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