Sunday, May 3, 2020

Marigold Tea: 5 Excellent Benefits & 3 Tea Recipes

Marigold petals are collected and dried to make marigold tea
Marigold petals are collected and dried to make marigold tea
Marigold is a beautiful ornamental plant, scientific name as “Calendula Officinalis” origin to southern Europe and the Mediterranean coast. It can be seen in many scenic spots. In addition to giving people a visual enjoyment, marigold has many functions, such as being made into medicine, essential oil or marigold tea.

What Is Marigold Tea

Marigold rich in such as phosphorus, flavonoids, carotenoids, and vitamin C, all of them are concentrated in its petals. Marigold tea is made by its fresh petals from sunning dry.
The dried marigold is orange, and the tea it brewed shows light-gold. Brewing marigold tea with a glass teaware, you can see the dry flowers blooming in the water, make the water turn gold slowly, just like a magic scene.
Marigold blooming in the water
Marigold blooming in the water

Marigold Tea Benefits

Marigold tea is not only got a beautiful looking, and it also got lots of benefits.

Skin Management

The flavonoids and antioxidants marigold tea contained can help us against the free radicals in the skin, reduce the effect of UV on the skin, slow skin aging and reduce the production of wrinkles.[3.5]
Marigold tea can also nourish the skin at the same time, prevent the accumulation of melanin in the skin surface layer, reduce the production of stains, play a role in whitening the skin.


Marigold tea has a diuretic effect. In the folk, marigold tea is often used as a diuretic and sweating medicine, to heal the tic disorder and other conditions[3.1]. By the diuretic effect of marigold tea, it can also promote the metabolism of the human body, to help detoxifying. When you got a bad cold, you can drink a cup of marigold tea to help antipyretic.

Anti-inflammatory Effects

Marigold extract has an anti-inflammatory effect, can be used as a medicine in the treatment of external wounds, such as burns, cuts, dermatitis and other conditions[3.2].
Marigold tea can also be effective in the treatment of inflammation within the body, including inflammation of the mouth and throat, gastroenteritis and other else. At the same time, marigold tea can improve the ability of the human body against the virus infection, which reduces the burden of the immune system.

Menstrual Management

Marigold tea contains flavonoids compounds that help relax muscles, promote blood circulation, and effectively ease women’s menstrual pain. With the skin beauty effect, make marigold tea become a very suitable herbal tea for women to drink.

Cancer Treatment

In the research recent years, marigold has shown promising potential in cancer treatment. The extract of marigold has an excellent effect on killing some cancer cells[7].
Of course, it can not be said that drinking marigold tea can cure cancer. Worth to note, the study shows, the anti-inflammatory benefits of marigold tea play a great role in cancer prevention and palliative care. It may say, having marigold tea can bring a little help to cancer prevention.
Marigold is orange just like the sun
Marigold is orange just like the sun

Marigold Tea Side Effect

Before drinking marigold tea, you should notes at some side effects, especially for pregnant women. Marigold tea is not recommended for pregnant women, because it can significantly affect hormone levels, and may lead to pregnancy complications.
Besides, some people are allergic to marigolds or other flowers of the marigold family, in which case stomach upset or local irritation may occur.

How To Make Marigold Tea

Recipe 1: Marigold Verbena Tea
Ingredients: 1 teaspoon dried marigold, 1 teaspoon dried verbena, 1 teaspoon rosehip
Step: Steep the dried marigold with boiling water about 30 seconds then take out, then put the marigold, verbena, and rosehip into the teapot, add 500ml boiling water steep for about 3 minutes.
Recipe 2: Marigold Green Tea
Ingredients: 3-5g dried marigold, 1 teaspoon green tea
Step: Wash the dried marigold with the hot water, then brew with the green tea together for about 3 minutes.
Recipe 3: Marigold Mint Tea
Ingredients: 1 teaspoon dried marigold, 5 fresh mint leaves
Step: Wash the dried marigold and the fresh mint leaves with the hot water, then put them into the teapot, add boiling water and steep for about 30 seconds, filter the ingredients and drink.

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