Sunday, April 26, 2020

Elderflower Tea – A Herbal Tea From Your Garden With Great Benefits

Elderflower is often be seen by the roadside and in gardens
Elderflower is often be seen by the roadside and in gardens
Have you ever notice some little, and pretty yellow-white flowers beside the roads, or in your garden? It’s elderflower, although it is so common, if you take them to make a cup of elderflower tea, you will get the benefits you can’t imagine.

What Is Elderflower Tea

Elderflower belongs to the honeysuckle family, which are small flowers with an elegant sweet fragrance of musk grape, common in European villages and gardens, the yellow-white flowers bloom in June and July are collected every year to make elderflower tea.
In Britain, it’s said that when the elderflowers bloom, the summer is ending. For Europeans, its practical and medicinal value has been widely used, and even become the childhood memory of many Europeans.

Elderflower Tea Benefits

Use elderflower to steep tea is good for your health
Use elderflower to steep tea is good for your health
Since ancient times, elderflower has a “Cure-All” reputation. In different areas has different application.
For example, in ancient Egypt, people believed it can ward off evil and disease. And for the gypsies, elderflower was used against cold, influenza and bronchial discomfort in the past centuries. To this day, Europeans add brown sugar to elderflower tea to make the traditional beverage “Cordial”, it’s a popular cold medicine among children.

Treating Cold

Elderflower has long been used to treat cold[2.2]. Get a cup of hot elderflower tea, which can promote blood circulation and sweat. At the beginning of the cold, it can help relieve sneezing, runny nose, chills, and other symptoms.
Elderflower tea with some lemon is good for cold
Elderflower tea with some lemon is good for cold

Relieve Oral Diseases

If you got gingivitis, bad breath or other oral problems, when you drink elderflower tea, gargle with the tea incidentally can help solve the peculiar smell of the oral cavity and unwell.

Anti-inflammatory Effect

Elderflower has an anti-inflammatory and preventing pollen allergy effect at the same time, when respiratory tract inflammation occurs, have a cup of elderflower tea to help alleviate discomfort symptoms.

Beauty Effect

Elderflower is one of the main ingredients of a lot of toners, it has great help for skin beauty. When you brew a steaming cup of elderflower tea, you can let the steam of tea apply on your face, which can prevent wrinkles or dark spots on your face to some extent, and improve acne or rash.

How To Make Elderflower Tea

Recipe 1: Mix fresh elderflower and hawthorn with hot water, wait for cool then add some honey, it can effectively alleviate cough symptoms.
Recipe 2: Mix dried elderflower, peppermint, and thyme in a mixture of 3:2:1, boil it with water, then drink, it can relieve the nasal passage and respiratory tract discomfort. If you got a cold, you can also add brown sugar in the elderflower tea to help to sweat, and relieve symptoms if you have a cold.
Elderflower and lemon is also fit to make iced tea
Elderflower and lemon is also fit to make iced tea
Recipe 3: Make ice elderflower tea. Mix fresh elderflower and lemon slices and mash. Add water and sugar then boiling. Filter out the solids, cool down and then put it into the refrigerator to freeze, it will become a delicious cold drink.

Is Drinking Raspberry Leaf Tea In Pregnancy A Right Choice?

It is said that raspberry leaf tea is good for pregnant women
It is said that raspberry leaf tea is good for pregnant women
Raspberry leaf tea is known as “pregnant women’s herbal tea“, is said drinking raspberry leaf in pregnancy will be helpful in delivery.
But do you know what is raspberry leaf tea? What other benefits it has, and how to brew raspberry leaf tea? Let’s learn more about it.

What Is Raspberry Leaf Tea

Raspberry belongs to the Rosaceae family, the scientific name is “Rubus idaeus”. “Rubus” means red in Latin. “idaeus” refers to the mount IDA in ancient mythology. It is said that the reason for its name is that mount IDA grows many raspberries. The fruits of raspberry are red, sweet and juicy, usually used in making jam, vinegar, and wine.
And the raspberry leaf tea is made from the leaf and fruits of raspberry after drying, the taste and smell are light.
The fresh raspberry fruit
The fresh raspberry fruit

What Benefits Women Get When Drinking Raspberry Leaf Tea In Pregnancy

Raspberry leaf tea has a great benefit on the uterus, long ago known as “pregnant women’s herbal tea”.
Raspberry leaf contains rich minerals and vitamins, can alleviate the pregnancy reaction and vomiting of pregnant women. In the past time, women drink raspberry leaf tea two months before delivery, to adjust the tightness of the uterine muscle, increase the space of pelvis, make the fetus gets more space, still can shorten the labor when delivery, make it become easier.
Because raspberry tea leaf tea contains the flavonoids that can improve the constitution, so the women after delivery can also keep drinking raspberry leaf tea for several weeks, it would help the uterus restore, and promote milk secretion. Raspberry leaf tea in one of the rare herbal tea which can promote milk secretion.
Consult your doctor before you drink raspberry leaf tea in pregnancy
Consult your doctor before you drink raspberry leaf tea in pregnancy
But every coin has two sides. Because raspberry leaf tea has the effect of enhancing uterine contraction, especially in the early pregnancy, the fetal position has not been fixed, excessive drinking raspberry leaf tea may make the fetal development position not ideal. What is serious, it may cause fetal agitation or even miscarriage.
Therefore, if you want to relieve the pregnancy reaction and vomiting by drinking the raspberry leaf tea in pregnancy, you should consult your doctor first to determine whether your physical condition is suitable to drink the tea, and the concentration of the tea should not be too high.

Other Benefits Of Raspberry Leaf Tea

In addition to helping pregnant women, raspberry leaf tea also has other benefits:

Improve Resistance

Because of raspberry leaf tea rich in Flavonoids and Anthocyanin, these substances have a certain medicinal effect, they can inhibit the activity of a variety of bacteria and viruses in the human body and can make the body’s anti-inflammatory ability significantly improved. Drink raspberry leaf tea occasionally can improve the level of health, reduce the probability of inflammation occurrence.
Besides, women during the menstrual period, drinking raspberry leaf tea also help to relieve menstrual pain, raspberry leaf tea contains iron, also helps to replace the loss of blood.

Help Digestion And Weight Loss

The Raspberry Ketone contained in the raspberry, the effect of burning fat is three times of capsaicin, can effectively help decompose and shrink fat cells, reduce the absorption of fat, accelerate metabolism, helping digestion and weight loss. Besides, it also helps in treating childhood diarrhea.

Manage Oral Diseases

Raspberry leaf tea has an astringent effect and can relieve a sore throat caused by inflammation. And it has the effect of antiphlogistic itself, gargle the mouth with the raspberry leaf tea with higher concentration, also have certain help in treating periodontitis.
The dry raspberry leaf
The dry raspberry leaf

How To Steep Raspberry Leaf Tea

1. Raspberry leaf tea can be steeped directly after water boiling, the temperature of the water must at a good control, try to keep it at 95℃; put 7-8g of raspberry leaf tea in a clean glass, add into boiling water, steeping for 3 minutes, then enjoy it.
2. Raspberry leaf tea also can be steeped with jasmine tea together. Take 3g raspberry leaf tea and 5 jasmine tea, put them into a cup, add boiling water, shake it light for a while, dump the water, then add boiling water again, steeping for 3-5 minutes and drink.
Raspberry leaf tea match jasmine tea will get more fragrance, and taste better, also helpful for beauty.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Japanese Tea House – Silent Place For Tea Ceremony And Meditation

The Japanese traditional tea house
The Japanese traditional tea house
The Japanese tea house is called “Chashitsu” in Japanese, also known as “tea room”. Its decoration is deeply influenced by Zen Buddhism and is respected in Japan as much as the status of the shrine.
In the 16th century, the samurai and the politician seeking the unification and reform of Japan in the tea house; In the 17th century, the tea house became the only place where free thought could be breathed in Tokugawa Bakufu strictly formalistic environment. Tea houses took an important place in Japanese history.

Outside The Japanese Tea House – Roji

Japanese tea houses are usually surrounded by a small garden called “Roji”.
The design of the Roji was so elaborate that there were definite rules as to where shrubs were planted, the shape of the stones and where they were to be placed, also the arrangement of the stones was to be laid.
Roji outside the tea house
Roji outside the tea house
With the first step into the Roji, means breaking contact with the outside world.
In the open ground, there is usually a handwashing pan called “Chōzubachi“, you need to clean yourself before step into the tea house. The bottom of the Chōzubachi often with a hole. When water drops, the hole amplifies the sound and drains the water. In order to make people hear the sound of water drops to the underground clearly, some Chōzubachi also with a small bamboo tube for people listening.
Chōzubachi is for clean up yourself
Chōzubachi is for clean up yourself

The Roof of The Japanese Tea House

The roof of the Japanese tea house uses triangular design, build with leaf or bamboo piece.
Under the place far away from the roof(the center of the triangular) was the seat for the guest, and the closer place from the roof was the host’s seat, expressed the host’s humility and respect for the guests.

The Entrance of The Japanese Tea House

The entrance to the tea house is very different from other Japanese buildings, it is called “Nijiriguchi”. And it is not like the normal Japanese sliding door as high as the wall, but a small entrance (about 73 cm high and 70 cm width) that can only be entered with kneeling.
This design comes from the sliding door of the boat cabin. Japan’s famous tea master Sen no Rikyū once go out on a boat, found the cabin sliding door is very small, people can only bend over to in and out, just similar the kneel-rite in the tea ceremony. So he uses this design on the tea house door.
Why must be in and out of the teahouse with kneeling? Because it’s an important view of the Japanese tea ceremony. That means everyone is the same, and everyone must keep humility in the tea ceremony.
The entrance of the Japanese tea house is very small
The entrance of the Japanese tea house is very small


Tokonoma means the niche. The Tokonoma is the soul of the Japanese tea house. The picture that hangs inside the Tokonoma, it is the most important prop of the Japanese tea ceremony. We can see the style of the tea house, and the disposition of the host from it.
Tokonoma is a common design in Japanese traditional building. They are about 3m wide and 30 cm deep, with paintings, vases or censer places inside. But the Tokonoma in the tea house however greatly simplifies, width only 1.3m, height about 1.7 m, only hang an ink painting about zen.

The Windows of Tea House

The tea house interior beside Tokonoma, on the other 3 walls all has small windows.
Japanese tea ceremony in pursuit of natural light, unless in the case of evening or dawn(only set oil lamp, electric lamp in not allow), there is no lighting-tool in the tea house, only rely on the window lighting.
The Tokonoma and the windows in the Japanese tea house
The Tokonoma and the windows in the Japanese tea house
Although the space of the Japanese tea house is very small, but there are a lot of Windows(amount to 8 above commonly), and the position of the window is very fastidious.
The window of the tea house is not for viewing the scenery. In the tea ceremony time, the host and guest should concentrate on it, abstain from looking outside. So the windows are not set for viewing but lighting.
Such as the host position, the light will shine in from the window which set on the wall root, for operate conveniently. And the side of the tea house interior besides Tokonoma, there is also a window, make the painting in a very artistic contrast of light and dark.

Teaware In The Japanese Tea House

The Japanese tea ceremony teaware was placed in the middle of the tea house, including iron teapot, spoon, tea bowl, tea storage container, and so on. The design of the Japanese teaware is very exquisite, and the using method is also fastidious, with very ornamental and collection value.
Besides, a floor hearth was installed in the middle of the tea house, for boiling water when drinking tea in winter. The position of the floor hearth slightly deviates from the center of the tea house, and it is wrong to place it in the center, which reflects the asymmetrical aesthetics of the tea ceremony.
The floor hearth is for boiling water in winter
The floor hearth is for boiling water in winter

The Thought of Zen

The Japanese tea house acreage standard is four and a half pieces tatami (about 8.186 square meters), there are nothings else except the necessary. “Silent” is an important view of Zen Buddhism.
All the things in the tea house, including the tea house itself, are made by the raw material from nature. Such as the stones, wooden, bamboo, grass for building tea house, and the clay, wooden for making teaware. Which can provide a kind of infinite close to the nature experience, a great help for Zen meditation.

8 Reasons Chamomile Tea May Be The Best Herbal Tea

Herbal tea fans may know about the chamomile tea, which with a delicate apple fragrance, and sweet taste. Of course, it becomes famous not only due to the pleasant taste but the excellent health benefits, especially for women.

What Is Chamomile Tea

Chamomile is a kind of daisy-like plant of the family Asteraceae that originated in Egypt and comes in two main varieties: Roman chamomile and German chamomile. They got a similar look: about 30cm tall, yellow flower core, white petals, slightly hairy leaves. But german chamomile tastes more robust.
Chamomile has a wide application range, such as ingredients of medicine or wine. But the typical use of chamomile is to make herbal tea. Because of its good tastes and plentiful health benefits, it has become one of the most common family herbal beverages.
Besides brewing tea, homemakers also use chamomile as a seasoner in cooking; The Spanish, who called chamomile manzanilla, used it to improve the flavor of sherry. The smooth fragrance is also attractive to the Arabs who obsessed with spice a lot.
It is said that in ancient Greek times, chamomile has entered people’s lives, the word “chamomile” derives from Greek, means “Ground Apple.”
In fact, chamomile has not only a charming aroma, but also abundant amino acids content, volatile oil, flavonoids, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, and other beneficial ingredients. It regarded as a natural, mild, and universal remedy without side effects. It can also make the plants planted around it thrive, so it called “Doctor Plant,” too.
Since the 17th century, chamomile tea has been used as a therapy for insomnia, colds, neuralgia, anxiety, and depression in Europe. Quinquina, a medicated wine made in France, also uses it as an ingredient.

Chamomile Tea Benefits

There are lots of benefits of chamomile tea, and some of them have confirmed by studies.

Improve Sleep

Chamomile widely regarded as a natural sedative whose main effects come from its flavonoids and apigenin.
1 hour before bed, brew a cup of chamomile tea with hot water, can make you calm, and falling asleep faster. Not as same as the true tea, chamomile is caffeine-free, it would not stimulate your nerves and cause insomnia.
Chamomile also got a relieve stress and headache effect. Blend with lavender or rosemary to make tea, can help relax nerves effectively, if you add some honey, it works better.

Common Cold

In the old-time, once folks got a cold, they prefer to have a self-treatment with herbs, and chamomile is one of the popular. In folks remedy, people inhale steam from chamomile tea to relieves nasal congestion and the accompanying sore throat, but it still needs more scientific evidence to support.
The treatment effect may come from the anti-inflammatory benefits of chamomile, or just a sound sleep to help improve the healing ability and immune system of the body.


Chamomile contains anti-inflammatory and antiphlogistic properties substances such as alpha-bisabolol and flavonoids etc.
When you are drinking chamomile tea, gargle your mouth with the tea to relieve toothache, which is suitable for oral problems caused by inflammation.
Chamomile also helps with skin problems. Take the steeped chamomile tea bag to apply on the acne-skin, will make the acne to disappear faster. With this beauty effect, chamomile has often been on the ingredients list of DIY masks.

Relieves Menstrual Pain

Ever a 2010 study, which asks for the subjects to having 2 cups chamomile tea per day 1 week before menstrual cramps. The study suggested that having chamomile tea may relieve menstrual pain. The benefit may come from the calming and the anti-inflammatory effects of chamomile, which can ease muscle spasms and pains.

Anti-cancer Potential

Scientists keep finding the treatment of cancer all the time, and they took a look at chamomile. The apigenin is the main ingredient of chamomile, can inhibit the growth and activity of cancer cells, which got a lot of effect on fighting cancer. In the related studies of prostate cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and skin cancer, chamomile shows a powerful potential.

Gastrointestinal Conditions

In the traditional application of chamomile tea, except to calm the brain and improve sleep, but also used to treat some common digestive conditions, especially children’s colic.
Drink chamomile tea can effectively relieve upset stomach, flatulence, stomach ulcer, and other gastrointestinal conditions. The ingredients in Chamomile tea, also promote alvine peristalsis, soothing stomach, and help digestion.
Research suggests that chamomile tea is a safe and effective treatment for colic and diarrhea conditions in babies (born 2 to 8 weeks). Still, if parents find their baby crying by colic or diarrhea, the best way is to send him to the doctor rather than feed him chamomile tea.

Manage Diabetes

Chamomile tea also has reducing blood sugar benefits. In a study, 64 people consume chamomile tea immediately after meals 3 times per day for 8 weeks, then found chamomile tea significantly decreased blood sugar concentration. The studies suggest a daily chamomile tea consumption will help to improve hyperglycemia and diabetic complications.

Heart Health

Heart disease often occurs in older people. Similar to the true tea, chamomile tea is also rich in flavonoids, a natural antioxidant. It slows cardiovascular atherosclerosis caused by oxidative, reduces the risk of vascular inflammation, and reduces the buildup of cholesterol in blood vessels, all of which are the leading causes of heart disease.
One thing it may better than the true tea, that chamomile tea does not contain caffeine. That means it would not increase the blood pressure and safer for older people.

Notes On Drinking Chamomile Tea

Even though chamomile tea not been found any severe side effects, but they’re still some notices on consuming it.


While chamomile tea is considered safe with the FDA, some people who have allergic reactions to Compositae(such as chrysanthemums and ragweed), should avoid to drink it.


In traditional Chinese medicine, chamomile belongs to the cool plant, so it is not recommended that pregnant women have chamomile tea. Because the cool plant will cause stimulation to the body, influences fetal development, what severe can cause abortion even. But there still no solid evidence to prove that.

Drug Interactions

If you are on drug treatment, anytime before you have chamomile tea, you should consult your doctor first. Chamomile could interact with drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen, influence the drug function, or cause some side effects.

How To Make Chamomile Tea

The simple way to make chamomile teas is to take 5g dried flowers, steep with 90℃ water about 10 minutes. In fresh chamomile flowers case, it may take 15g. Waiting for the chamomile extract turns the water into light yellow, then serving.
There is also another way to make chamomile tea, take the dried chamomile, boiling in water about 30 minutes, add honey, sweet, and delicious.
Also, you can brew chamomile tea blend with other herbs such as rose, peppermint, violet, marigold, rosemary, or lavender, to get a better taste and more benefits.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Cold Brew Tea – What Is The Different And How To Make?

Cold brew tea is one way to brew tea
Cold brew tea is one way to brew tea
In impression, tea is usually brewed with hot water. Hot tea is not acceptable to everyone, some people prefer cold drinks, and drinking the cool-down hot tea is bad for health. Cold brew tea – a way to steep tea, may bring you a surprise.

What is cold brew tea

Cold brew tea doesn’t mean just to brew tea with cold water. the point of cold brewing is to provide a brewing environment at a constant low temperature.
Compared with the regular hot water tea, cold brewing method of water temperature requirements not so strict, most of the tea is applied; And it’s extremely simple to make, and the only troublesome step needs a long wait.

What is the difference between cold brew tea and hot tea

The amount of tea nutrition ingredient dissolving and the taste

Brewing tea with hot water, the ingredients of tea will dissolve into the water in a short time. So hot tea always has a huge aroma, and taste strong.
When brewing with cold water, the nutrition ingredient contained in the tea will be dissolved at a very slow speed. The amino acid molecules which dissolved first are sweet, while theophylline and caffeine dissolve much more slowly.
Therefore, the taste of cold brew tea is much sweeter than that of hot brewed tea, without the bitterness and strong fragrance that hot brewed tea has.
The nutrients in tea slowly dissolve in the water
The nutrients in tea slowly dissolve in the water

Different degree of the nutrition ingredient retained

In the traditional tea brewing method, the temperature of the water will be controlled between 70℃ and 95℃. This will make the nutrients in tea dissolve faster, but some nutrients are also easy to be destroyed by high temperature.
The ingredients of cold brew tea have a slower rate of dissolution, with the fastest rate of dissolution in the first 2 hours, and then slowly decreases and remains at a lower rate. After 8 hours, the amount of all nutrients other than caffeine dissolved was similar to that of hot tea.
In one study, green tea was steeped for 20 minutes at 90℃ or 24 hours at 4℃ to test its dissolved matter content.
It’s worth mentioning that the caffeine content of cold brew tea is about 30% less than that of hot tea because the caffeine and tannin in tea are the slowest to dissolve at low temperatures.

The preparation time is different

This is the biggest difference between hot brew tea and cold brew tea. A cup of hot tea often takes no more than 3 minutes to make, while the cold brew tea needs to be refrigerated for 4-8 hours after brewing to get the best taste.
So if you want to enjoy cold brew tea, you need to prepare half a day in advance.

The benefits of cold brew tea

A cup of correctly made cold brew tea has most of the benefits of hot tea. The special advantage of cold brew tea lies in the different dissolution speed of the main ingredient in tea, which brings different effects.
First, brew tea with cold water can reduce the dissolution of tannin contained in tea, which will reduce the bitterness and astringency of tea.
Because the temperature of the human body is higher than that of cold brew tea, ketone with fragrance molecules will gradually evaporate, and the aroma of tea will slowly form in the mouth, bringing different taste enjoyment.
Secondly, tea contains a kind of polysaccharide, which can metabolize excessive sugar in the blood. The polysaccharides can be destroyed if brewed with hot water, and it will not happen on cold brew tea. So cold brew tea also has a certain control effect on diabetes.
What is most importantly, cold brew tea is very low in caffeine contented. Drink cold brew tea need not worry about the caffeine in tea make nerve hyperactivity, affect sleep quality. For insomniacs, they can also enjoy this fun.
Cold brew tea is a wonderful cool beverage in summer
Cold brew tea is a wonderful cool beverage in summer

What type of tea is not suitable for cold brewing

Almost all types of tea are suitable for cold brewing.
Usually, the low-degree fermented tea, such as green tea and oolong tea, are more suitable for cold brewing. They are less processed and retain more of the natural ingredients of tea leaves, used to make cold brew tea, will bring out more its fresh aroma and sweet taste.
However, some types of tea are not suitable for cold brewing, not because they do any harm, but hot brewing can make them more valuable.

The tea made from old tea leaves

The tea made from old tea leaves is not suitable for brewing at low temperature. It is rich in cellulose, the cell wall is not easy to be destroyed, and it is difficult to dissolve nutrients at low temperature. Can not get the real taste.

The over-baked tea

The same reason as the old tea. the over-baked tea has a carbonized skin and gets a baking aroma. But the carbonized surface will make the ingredient hard to dissolve. Also only to brew with hot water can bring the baking aroma.
Black tea is also suitable for cold brewing
Black tea is also suitable for cold brewing

The tea with a huge aroma

Such as the jasmine tea, brew it with cold water is ok. But the aromatic esters are hard to dissolve at a low temperature too. So, why should we drink the jasmine tea if without the charming aroma?

The aging tea

Such as dark tea, usually goes through a long time of natural oxidation, and some micro-fermentation is carried out inside the tea, to carry out some natural transformation.
After fermentation, the tea inside produces some microorganisms beneficial to the human body, which is the main reason why the old tea is precious. And these microorganisms are at low active at the low temperatures, brew it with hot water will lose its nutrients value.

How to make cold brew tea

  • Prepare covered bottles, cold water, and some loose tea
  • Put the loose tea and water in the bottle at a ratio of 1:50 (the ratio can be adjusted according to taste), cover, and refrigerate for not less than 4 hours (do not over 10 hours)
  • After refrigerating a long time enough, filter out  the tea leaves and taste
Try packing loose tea into cloth bags to make cold brew tea
Try packing loose tea into cloth bags to make cold brew tea
  • Making cold brew tea, loose tea and tea bag are all feasible options. The loose tea is easier to release flavor, especially CTC black tea. Because the tea bag is blocked by the cloth bag, the taste is relatively difficult to release. However, if you are out, it is the most convenient choice to use the tea bag to make cold brew tea.
  • Cold brew tea is also a good base for other beverages. Try adding juice, sugar or other ingredients to cold brew tea to make a charming flavored drink.
  • Although the cold brew tea is hard to go bad, it’s best to enjoy it as soon as possible.

What is Oolong Tea? A Complete Guide to The Oolong Tea Types And 5 Benefits

Oolong tea is a kind of partially fermented tea
Oolong tea is a kind of partially fermented tea

What is Oolong Tea

Oolong tea is a kind of traditional Chinese tea, which belongs to partially fermented tea.
Just like green tea and black tea, oolong tea is made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant( And have been picked, withering, light rolling, stir fixation, rolling, and baking process.
The oolong tea and the green tea come from the same tea tree, but the most difference between them is whether fermentation.
Because the catechins in the tea will combine as the fermentation temperature increases, the color of the tea will become darker, but the astringency of the tea will also be reduced. And the green tea is a kind of non-fermented tea.
So the oolong tea both has the fresh taste of green tea, and the baking aroma of black tea.

What Are The Types of Oolong Tea?

More common such as Tie Guan Yin, Phoenix Dan Cong, and Da Hong Pao tea are belong to oolong tea. Oolong tea can be classified according to various conditions, but mainly according to the variety of tea, producing area and fermentation degree to be divided.

1. According to the origin

  • Southern Fujian Oolong tea
The most famous Anxi Tie Guan Yin tea is the representative of Southern Fujian oolong tea.
“Tie Guan Yin” is not only the name of the tea, but also the name of tea tree species. The shape of this tea is tight and tied. Some tea leaves like the hook, and some like the dragonfly head.
Because the caffeine evaporates with the water, it forms a layer of hoar frost on the tea surface, so-called “Green Frosting.”
The Tie Guan Yin still has a strong and lasting aroma after many times of steeping. Smell freshness and taste sweet.
  • Northern Fujian Oolong tea
The main Northern Fujian Oolong tea is the Wuyi Rock tea. The most famous Wuyi Rock tea is Da Hong Pao tea.
The shape of Wuyi Rock tea is plump and uniform, tight knot and curl, color bright and luster. The back of the tea leaves has some bubble like the frog skin, the body shows brown color, the root and the margin shows vermilion, and the center shows dark green.
Wuyi Rock tea has a strong baking aroma, but taste mellow, got some “rock feeling”
  • Guangdong Oolong tea
Guangdong Oolong tea is famous for Dan Cong, and the most famous is Phoenix Dan Cong.
Phoenix Dan Cong tea is produced in the area of phoenix mountain, Chaozhou city, Guangdong province.
The shape of Phoenix Dan Cong tea leaves is full, light yellow with a tiny green, strong aroma and will be lasting after steeping many times.
Phoenix Dan Cong also has a variety of classification according to the fragrance. What is interesting, one kind of Dan Cong is called ”Dark Shit Aroma.” Although the origin of the name is disputed, it is certain that the tea does not smell like duck shit.
A kind of Phoenix Dan Cong - Duck Shit Aroma
A kind of Phoenix Dan Cong – Duck Shit Aroma
  • Taiwan Oolong tea
Taiwan oolong tea was introduced to Taiwan from Fujian province during the Qing dynasty. The most famous is the Dong Ding Oolong tea, Pekoe Oolong tea and Pouchong tea.

2. According to the degree of fermentation

The degree of tea fermentation affects the aroma and taste of tea. The degree of tea fermentation affects the aroma and taste of tea. According to the degree of fermentation, oolong tea can generally be divided into
Lightly fermented tea (about 10% to 25%)
Moderate fermented tea (about 25% to 50%)
Heavy fermented tea (about 50% to 70%)
  • Lightly fermented tea
Lightly fermented oolong tea is represented by Wenshan Pouchong tea and Tie Guan Yin. The fermentation degree of Wenshan Pouchong tea is the lightest in oolong tea, about 8% – 10%. The roasting is also light, which is more similar to green tea and stands out in oolong tea.
The “Fen-flavor Tie Guan Yin” belongs to the popular light fermentation oolong tea with a fermentation degree of 15%-20%. Lasting strong aroma and taste different from other types of tea, worth to have a try.
Fen-flavor Tie Guan Yin Oolong tea is worth to have a try
Fen-flavor Tie Guan Yin Oolong tea is worth to have a try
  • Moderate fermented tea
The fermentation degree of “Luzhou-flavor” oolong tea produced by traditional technology is generally high and belongs to moderate fermentation, which is mainly represented by Tieguanyin, Wuyi Rock tea, Northern Fujian narcissus and Guangdong Phoenix Dan Cong.
  • Heavy fermented tea
Pekoe oolong tea is a representative of severely fermented oolong tea. Pekoe oolong tea is a unique and famous tea in Taiwan. It is the most fermented tea in oolong tea. Generally, the fermentation degree is 60%, some may up to from 75% to 85%.
Taiwan famous Pekoe Oolong tea
Taiwan famous Pekoe Oolong tea

3. According to the shape

The oolong tea also is classified according to the shape of tea. Some kinds look like balls, and some look like a sword, some may be made to a brick tea.
  • Strip shape oolong tea
Such as Wenshan Paochong and Phoenix Dan Cong
The strip shape oolong tea
The strip shape oolong tea
  • Spherical oolong tea
Such as Tie Guan Yin and Dongding oolong tea
The spherical shape oolong tea
The spherical shape oolong tea
  • Lump shape oolong tea
Such as Phoenix narcissus brick tea
The lump shape oolong brick tea
The lump shape oolong brick tea

Benefits of Oolong Tea

Oolong tea contains more than 450 organic chemical components and 40 inorganic mineral elements. They contain many nutrients and medicinal ingredients.
The organic chemical components mainly include tea polyphenols, vegetable bases, proteins, amino acids, vitamins, pectin, organic acids, lipopolysaccharides, sugars, enzymes, pigments and so on.
A lot of nutrition element, make oolong tea can bring a lot of benefits to the human body.

1. Loss weight benefits

Oolong tea can reduce weight by dissolving lipid. Because the main component of tea –Tannin, have a close relationship with lipid metabolism.
Oolong tea can lower cholesterol in the blood. Drinking a cup of oolong tea before having a meal, the hot one without sugar is the best. The water temperature for steeping tea is better at about 80℃-90℃; the tea should be drank in 30-60 mins, or the nutrition will be oxidized.

2. Beauty effect

Oolong tea can reduce serum neutral lipid and cholesterol, and it can increase SOD activity. From which it can be inferred that oolong tea has a certain health care effect on the skin.

3. Promote energy metabolism

According to the comparison test of water, green tea, and oolong tea on to promote the basic metabolic function, the result shows that water has no special effect, the green tea can promote the metabolism of 4 calories an hour, while the oolong tea is the best, it can promote calories metabolism.
And oolong tea’s effect can last 5 hours, a 300cc cup of oolong tea will burn 40 calories (equivalent to 15 minutes of brisk walking and 10 minutes of walking stairs).

4. Reduce blood lipid

Oolong tea has the function of preventing and reducing blood lipid in aortic atherosclerosis.
Drinking oolong tea can also reduce blood viscosity, prevent the accumulation of red blood cells, improve blood hypercoagulability, increase blood mobility and improve microcirculation.
The experimental results of thrombus formation in vitro also showed that oolong tea could inhibit thrombus formation effectively.

5. Anti-aging effect

Oolong tea has the same anti-aging effect as vitamin E.
Vitamin C has an anti-aging effect, and drinking oolong tea can maintain a high level of vitamin C in the blood when adequate amounts of vitamin C are absorbed daily.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Dandelion Tea: 10 Benefits VS 4 Side Effect

We may be troubled by weeds in the garden that affect the overall beauty of the garden.
But just like the elderflower, dandelion is also a kind of great weed that can be used to make a cup of herbal tea with lots of benefits.
Dandelion (Taraxacum Officinale). In some folk remedies, dandelion tea was used to treat and prevent various diseases.

What Is Dandelion Tea

There are two types of dandelion tea commonly discussed:
  • Drying the dandelion leaves, flowers, and roots, steep in hot water, then drink. That is also the most popular DIY way in folks to make dandelion tea.
  • Only take the dandelion root, cut in pieces, steep them after roasting. Roasted dandelion root tea is loved on the market and is said to be a great alternative to coffee because it has the same color, less bitter taste, and it’s caffeine-free.
No matter what kind of dandelion tea they are, they taste bitter, especially the root is more bitter than the leaves and petals.
While the taste of dandelion tea may not be for everyone, this disadvantage doesn’t stop us from loving it when we learn about its benefits.

Dandelion Tea Benefits

Dandelions are rich in vitamins A, C, and D, lots of K, Zn, Fe, and Mg, as well as flavonoids such as chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid. These nutrients are soluble in water and absorbed by the body, bringing many health benefits.


Dandelion has been used as an excellent diuretic long, as known as ” pee the bed.”
People use its powerful diuretic effect, accelerate the toxin inside body and impurity discharge, reduce the occurrence of diseases such as urinary tract infection, body edema.
The study also confirmed that after taking dandelion tea, subjects urinated significantly more frequently in a short time.
And dandelions are rich in K(potassium), which also helps to replace the k loss caused by excessive urination. That’s why it’s better than other natural diuretics.


In addition to its diuretic effect, folks also recognize its anti-inflammatory effect.
Dandelion tea is often playing as medicine in folk remedies to treat the inflammation of the tonsil and throat that accompanies a cold.
In the early research founds, that the chlorogenic acidtaraxasterol, and hemiterpene lactones in dandelion have shown an anti-inflammatory effect. In comparison, patients with tonsillitis who took dandelion tea recovered faster than those who did not.

Liver Protection

A 2017 research confirmed that dandelion contains two polysaccharides, DRP1 and DRP2, which have excellent antioxidant properties and can reduce oxidative stress damage to the liver, thus playing a role in liver protection.
Also, dandelion contains β-carotene has also shown to have a protective effect on the liver.

Improve Gastrointestinal Tract

The research found that dandelion root ingredients can stimulate the secretion of bile, increase the number of lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria.
Consume dandelion root tea can effectively help improve the gastrointestinal tract environmenthelp digestion. At the same time, it can also enhance the contraction of smooth muscle, play the role of improving constipation.

Anemia Prevention

Dandelion leaves are rich in vitamin C, and iron elements, steeping it as tea can help supplement the iron which body needs, prevent iron deficiency anemia. The mineral elements it contains also can help improve the digestive and hypertension.

Manage Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by poor control of blood sugar levels. The disease afflicts people in both developed and developing countries.
As a natural beverage, dandelion tea is regarded good at manage type 2 diabetes.
In the research by Dr.Fonyuy e. Wirngo et al., it was found that dandelion tea can help diabetic patients stimulate the secretion of insulin and keep blood glucose at a low level.
Its efficacy mainly comes by the chlorogenic acid (CGA)chicory acid (CRA)taraxasterol (TS), and sesquiterpene lactone (SEL) in dandelion. These active ingredients have a huge potential to help patients manage diabetes.


In the observation of mice with a high-cholesterol diet, the concentration of triglycerides and total cholesterol in plasma and liver decreased significantly after 6 weeks after continuous feeding of dandelion water extract.
The researchers speculate that flavonoids in dandelion may inhibit the activity of pancreatic lipase, thereby lowering blood lipid levels.
At the same time, researchers believe that dandelion is a plant with anti-obesity medicine development potential. Due to the characteristics, dandelion tea also can be a great sugar-free beverage as an aid to weight loss.
May Anti-Cancer
In research of dandelion root extract, S. J. Chatterjee et al. found that it can induce apoptosis in melanoma cells without causing damage to healthy cells, and may contribute to the treatment of skin cancer.
But there is not enough data to prove that dandelion roots are effective against cancer.

Beauty Effect

Dandelion is rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and trace elements and other nutrients. Drinking dandelion tea can help with beauty.
The benefit is mainly from the total flavonoids in dandelion, which has a specific effect similar to SOD, a potent antioxidant for radical scavenging, with anti-aging effect. It can also help remove freckles and whiten the skin.

Prevent Colds

Dandelion contains a variety of organic acids, such as caffeic acidferulic acidchlorogenic acid, etc. in dandelion, which has a potent inhibitory and killing effect on microorganisms.
Therefore, dandelion for external use can play a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.
Besides, it also has an excellent inhibitory effect on staphylococcus aureus, to help prevent and cure influenza, viral colds, and other diseases.
In China, there is a habit of dandelion tea consume to strengthen the body and prevent colds.

Dandelion Tea Side Effect

It’s worth noting that dandelion has a small amount of toxin, but are still considered safe for most people.
For some people, having dandelion tea may experience the following side effects:


If you have a history of allergies to ragweed, marigold, chamomile, and other plants in the Asteraceae family, drinking dandelion tea may cause symptoms such as rashes.

Influence Medicine Efficacy

If you are on medication, consult your doctor before drinking dandelion tea.
Because some ingredients of dandelion tea are easily combined with antibiotics, thus reducing the efficacy of them, such as sparfloxacin, ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, etc.

Potassium Excessive Intake

Since dandelion itself contains a lot of potassium, if you’re taking other potassium supplements at the same time, drinking dandelion tea can lead to an excessive potassium intake that can affect the kidneys.
In theory, kidney patients are not suitable to consume dandelion tea, which may aggravate the disease.

Cause Diarrhoea

Due to the stimulating effect in the gastrointestinal tract, drinking too much dandelion tea is easy to cause stomach discomfort and diarrhea.
In traditional Chinese medicine, dandelion belongs to a cold plant. Chinese doctors believe that drinking the tea in the wrong way, such as cold dandelion tea, can increase the risk of diarrhea.

How To Make Dandelion Tea Taste Better

Dandelion tea tastes a little bitter that many people cannot accept it. Blend with other herbal tea to brew, not only the taste will be better, but also the benefits will increase.

Dandelion With Rose Tea

Recipe: Take 10g of dandelion tea and 10g of rose tea, put them into a cup, add boiling water, cover and steep for 15 minutes, then serve.
Benefits: Dandelion can clear away toxic materials, and rose can promote blood circulation and remove stasis, adjust endocrine. Both consume together, suitable for the people who endocrine disorder and easy to irritable.

Dandelion Stevia Leaves Tea

Recipe: Take 15g of dandelion tea and 15g of stevia leaves into a cup, add boiling water, cover and let them steep for 15 minutes, then serve.
Benefits: Stevia, as a sweet adjustment, can ease the bitter taste of dandelion tea and can effectively on adjuvant therapy of various inflammation.

Dandelion Radix Ophiopogonis Tea

Recipe: Take 10g of dandelion tea, 6g of radix ophiopogonis, 6g of licorice into a pot, add water, then keep heating to boil, drink after filtration.
Benefits: Radix ophiopogonis and licorice effectively help relieve sore throat, thirst, dry cough, and other diseases.

Dandelions Wolfberry Tea

Recipe: Take 10g of dandelion tea and about 10 wolfberry seeds and put them in the water about 80℃. Cover and steep for about 10 minutes, then serve.
Benefits: Wolfberry has the benefits of internal balance secretion, liver protection. And coordinate dandelion is suitable for people which kidney and liver weak.

Dandelion licorice tea

Recipe: Take 20g fresh dandelion (Take half if the dry ones), 3g licorice, 10g green tea, and 1 teaspoon of honey.
Boiling the dandelion and licorice into juice, and steep green tea with this juice, add honey after the tea cools down at 60℃.
Benefits: Licorice has the benefits of soothing the spirit, moistening the lung, and relieving cough. And it is complementary to the traditional Chinese medicine properties of dandelion, suitable the people who are feeling tired and got a chronic cough.

Is Hong Kong milk tea really be made through a silk stocking?

Hong Kong milk tea is one part of Hong Kong people's life
Hong Kong milk tea is one part of Hong Kong people’s life
Silk stocking milk tea” is a type of milk tea with the most Hong Kong style, also known as “Hong Kong milk tea” or “Hong Kong-style milk tea“.
Since the beginning of British colonial rule in Hong Kong, the British have brought the concept of “afternoon tea” to Hong Kong. Different from the common Chinese people’s habit of drinking tea in the morning, the British are used to enjoying tea at about 3 PM, between lunch and work, and having some dessert.
Ceylon black tea is very popular in Hong Kong because of its good tastes and costs less. Westerners like to add light milk and sugar when drinking tea, to make the tea taste more fragrant and smooth. It becomes the basis of Hong Kong milk tea.
Silk stockings milk tea is a common drink in Hong Kong People’s Daily breakfast and afternoon tea. The milk tea served by Hong Kong tea restaurants is basically made in the way of silk stockings milk tea.

Is Hong Kong milk tea really be made through a silk stocking?

The inventor of silk stockings milk tea is Muhe Lin, the founder of Lan Fong Yuen, a time-honored brand in Hong Kong’s Central.
Before world war ii, coffee was popular in Hong Kong, and milk tea became popular in the 1950s and 1960s.
In the beginning, Hong Kong milk tea was relatively rough and the tea was bitter, because most restaurants in Hong Kong used big kettles to boil tea, and the long-time steeping made the tea taste bitter and astringent.
In 1952, Muhe Lin formed the Lan Fong Yuen restaurant in Central and began to improve Hong Kong milk tea. He got a blacksmith and made a small teapot out of copper, which he called the “hand pot”, and his wife used a cloth to self-make a filter, for separating the tea leaves.
The birthplace of Hong Kong-style milk tea - Lan fong yuen
The birthplace of Hong Kong-style milk tea – Lan fong yuen
“The teapot is so small that you don’t have to heat it too long and use the cloth bag to wash the tea, you can remove the plant flavor and make the tea taste even,” he said. “the steeping time should be controlled properly, too short can not remove the plant smell, too long will make the tea become bitter and harm the stomach.”
At that time, the workers who work near the docks will come and buy a cup of milk tea. “The workers saw me wash my tea in a bag and feel it was very interesting. When they saw that the cloth bag was brown, they thought it was silk stockings. So every time they will shout, ‘one cup of silk stockings milk tea’.” Muhe Lin said.
So, Hong Kong milk tea gradually get the nickname “silk stockings milk tea” But in fact, is not made through silk stockings.

How to make a cup of Hong Kong milk tea

The way to make traditional Hong Kong milk tea, should prepare a filter, which is made by nylon mesh first.
Place the Ceylon black tea in the nylon mesh. The Ceylon black tea is classified by shape and size. Tea masters can change the flavor, color, and concentration of milk tea through control the amount of Ceylon tea,
Then, put the nylon mesh filled with black tea into a teapot, add boiling water, cover and let it steep for a few minutes. This process is called “baked tea.”
After the tea taste come out, poured it into another teapot, and poured it back into the first teapot through a filter, repeated several times. This process is called “pulled tea“, just like the “Teh Tarik” in Malaysia.
The cloth tea filter bag looks like a silk stocking
The cloth tea filter bag looks like a silk stocking
Repeatedly pulling and filtering, black tea leaves are completely filtered out, and coupled with the effect of surface tension, making black tea form a smooth and delicate taste.
As a result, the nylon filter mesh is dyed coffee color, look like silk stocking from far away, easy can be mistaken by the person think this milk tea is made through silk stocking.
Finally, pour the black tea into a cup that has been with milk, a traditional Hong Kong milk tea is made.

Yuenyeung(tea with coffee), another kind of Hong Kong-style milk tea

Yuenyeung - tea with coffee
Yuenyeung – tea with coffee
Yuenyeung milk tea is another popular way of steeping black tea in Hong Kong.
To make Yuenyeung milk tea, first, use the Hong Kong-style milk tea steeping method to make a cup of black tea, and then brew a cup of coffee of the same volume. At last, mix the two and add milk and sugar to taste.
Because the ratio of black tea and coffee is 1:1, just like the mandarin duck(called Yuenyeung in Chinese), which is the symbol of loyal love, so named Yuenyeung milk tea.
Yuenyeung milk tea has both the fragrance of coffee and the smooth of milk tea, it’s a special flavor.