Tuesday, April 21, 2020

8 Reasons Chamomile Tea May Be The Best Herbal Tea

Herbal tea fans may know about the chamomile tea, which with a delicate apple fragrance, and sweet taste. Of course, it becomes famous not only due to the pleasant taste but the excellent health benefits, especially for women.

What Is Chamomile Tea

Chamomile is a kind of daisy-like plant of the family Asteraceae that originated in Egypt and comes in two main varieties: Roman chamomile and German chamomile. They got a similar look: about 30cm tall, yellow flower core, white petals, slightly hairy leaves. But german chamomile tastes more robust.
Chamomile has a wide application range, such as ingredients of medicine or wine. But the typical use of chamomile is to make herbal tea. Because of its good tastes and plentiful health benefits, it has become one of the most common family herbal beverages.
Besides brewing tea, homemakers also use chamomile as a seasoner in cooking; The Spanish, who called chamomile manzanilla, used it to improve the flavor of sherry. The smooth fragrance is also attractive to the Arabs who obsessed with spice a lot.
It is said that in ancient Greek times, chamomile has entered people’s lives, the word “chamomile” derives from Greek, means “Ground Apple.”
In fact, chamomile has not only a charming aroma, but also abundant amino acids content, volatile oil, flavonoids, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, and other beneficial ingredients. It regarded as a natural, mild, and universal remedy without side effects. It can also make the plants planted around it thrive, so it called “Doctor Plant,” too.
Since the 17th century, chamomile tea has been used as a therapy for insomnia, colds, neuralgia, anxiety, and depression in Europe. Quinquina, a medicated wine made in France, also uses it as an ingredient.

Chamomile Tea Benefits

There are lots of benefits of chamomile tea, and some of them have confirmed by studies.

Improve Sleep

Chamomile widely regarded as a natural sedative whose main effects come from its flavonoids and apigenin.
1 hour before bed, brew a cup of chamomile tea with hot water, can make you calm, and falling asleep faster. Not as same as the true tea, chamomile is caffeine-free, it would not stimulate your nerves and cause insomnia.
Chamomile also got a relieve stress and headache effect. Blend with lavender or rosemary to make tea, can help relax nerves effectively, if you add some honey, it works better.

Common Cold

In the old-time, once folks got a cold, they prefer to have a self-treatment with herbs, and chamomile is one of the popular. In folks remedy, people inhale steam from chamomile tea to relieves nasal congestion and the accompanying sore throat, but it still needs more scientific evidence to support.
The treatment effect may come from the anti-inflammatory benefits of chamomile, or just a sound sleep to help improve the healing ability and immune system of the body.


Chamomile contains anti-inflammatory and antiphlogistic properties substances such as alpha-bisabolol and flavonoids etc.
When you are drinking chamomile tea, gargle your mouth with the tea to relieve toothache, which is suitable for oral problems caused by inflammation.
Chamomile also helps with skin problems. Take the steeped chamomile tea bag to apply on the acne-skin, will make the acne to disappear faster. With this beauty effect, chamomile has often been on the ingredients list of DIY masks.

Relieves Menstrual Pain

Ever a 2010 study, which asks for the subjects to having 2 cups chamomile tea per day 1 week before menstrual cramps. The study suggested that having chamomile tea may relieve menstrual pain. The benefit may come from the calming and the anti-inflammatory effects of chamomile, which can ease muscle spasms and pains.

Anti-cancer Potential

Scientists keep finding the treatment of cancer all the time, and they took a look at chamomile. The apigenin is the main ingredient of chamomile, can inhibit the growth and activity of cancer cells, which got a lot of effect on fighting cancer. In the related studies of prostate cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and skin cancer, chamomile shows a powerful potential.

Gastrointestinal Conditions

In the traditional application of chamomile tea, except to calm the brain and improve sleep, but also used to treat some common digestive conditions, especially children’s colic.
Drink chamomile tea can effectively relieve upset stomach, flatulence, stomach ulcer, and other gastrointestinal conditions. The ingredients in Chamomile tea, also promote alvine peristalsis, soothing stomach, and help digestion.
Research suggests that chamomile tea is a safe and effective treatment for colic and diarrhea conditions in babies (born 2 to 8 weeks). Still, if parents find their baby crying by colic or diarrhea, the best way is to send him to the doctor rather than feed him chamomile tea.

Manage Diabetes

Chamomile tea also has reducing blood sugar benefits. In a study, 64 people consume chamomile tea immediately after meals 3 times per day for 8 weeks, then found chamomile tea significantly decreased blood sugar concentration. The studies suggest a daily chamomile tea consumption will help to improve hyperglycemia and diabetic complications.

Heart Health

Heart disease often occurs in older people. Similar to the true tea, chamomile tea is also rich in flavonoids, a natural antioxidant. It slows cardiovascular atherosclerosis caused by oxidative, reduces the risk of vascular inflammation, and reduces the buildup of cholesterol in blood vessels, all of which are the leading causes of heart disease.
One thing it may better than the true tea, that chamomile tea does not contain caffeine. That means it would not increase the blood pressure and safer for older people.

Notes On Drinking Chamomile Tea

Even though chamomile tea not been found any severe side effects, but they’re still some notices on consuming it.


While chamomile tea is considered safe with the FDA, some people who have allergic reactions to Compositae(such as chrysanthemums and ragweed), should avoid to drink it.


In traditional Chinese medicine, chamomile belongs to the cool plant, so it is not recommended that pregnant women have chamomile tea. Because the cool plant will cause stimulation to the body, influences fetal development, what severe can cause abortion even. But there still no solid evidence to prove that.

Drug Interactions

If you are on drug treatment, anytime before you have chamomile tea, you should consult your doctor first. Chamomile could interact with drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen, influence the drug function, or cause some side effects.

How To Make Chamomile Tea

The simple way to make chamomile teas is to take 5g dried flowers, steep with 90℃ water about 10 minutes. In fresh chamomile flowers case, it may take 15g. Waiting for the chamomile extract turns the water into light yellow, then serving.
There is also another way to make chamomile tea, take the dried chamomile, boiling in water about 30 minutes, add honey, sweet, and delicious.
Also, you can brew chamomile tea blend with other herbs such as rose, peppermint, violet, marigold, rosemary, or lavender, to get a better taste and more benefits.

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