Sunday, April 26, 2020

Is Drinking Raspberry Leaf Tea In Pregnancy A Right Choice?

It is said that raspberry leaf tea is good for pregnant women
It is said that raspberry leaf tea is good for pregnant women
Raspberry leaf tea is known as “pregnant women’s herbal tea“, is said drinking raspberry leaf in pregnancy will be helpful in delivery.
But do you know what is raspberry leaf tea? What other benefits it has, and how to brew raspberry leaf tea? Let’s learn more about it.

What Is Raspberry Leaf Tea

Raspberry belongs to the Rosaceae family, the scientific name is “Rubus idaeus”. “Rubus” means red in Latin. “idaeus” refers to the mount IDA in ancient mythology. It is said that the reason for its name is that mount IDA grows many raspberries. The fruits of raspberry are red, sweet and juicy, usually used in making jam, vinegar, and wine.
And the raspberry leaf tea is made from the leaf and fruits of raspberry after drying, the taste and smell are light.
The fresh raspberry fruit
The fresh raspberry fruit

What Benefits Women Get When Drinking Raspberry Leaf Tea In Pregnancy

Raspberry leaf tea has a great benefit on the uterus, long ago known as “pregnant women’s herbal tea”.
Raspberry leaf contains rich minerals and vitamins, can alleviate the pregnancy reaction and vomiting of pregnant women. In the past time, women drink raspberry leaf tea two months before delivery, to adjust the tightness of the uterine muscle, increase the space of pelvis, make the fetus gets more space, still can shorten the labor when delivery, make it become easier.
Because raspberry tea leaf tea contains the flavonoids that can improve the constitution, so the women after delivery can also keep drinking raspberry leaf tea for several weeks, it would help the uterus restore, and promote milk secretion. Raspberry leaf tea in one of the rare herbal tea which can promote milk secretion.
Consult your doctor before you drink raspberry leaf tea in pregnancy
Consult your doctor before you drink raspberry leaf tea in pregnancy
But every coin has two sides. Because raspberry leaf tea has the effect of enhancing uterine contraction, especially in the early pregnancy, the fetal position has not been fixed, excessive drinking raspberry leaf tea may make the fetal development position not ideal. What is serious, it may cause fetal agitation or even miscarriage.
Therefore, if you want to relieve the pregnancy reaction and vomiting by drinking the raspberry leaf tea in pregnancy, you should consult your doctor first to determine whether your physical condition is suitable to drink the tea, and the concentration of the tea should not be too high.

Other Benefits Of Raspberry Leaf Tea

In addition to helping pregnant women, raspberry leaf tea also has other benefits:

Improve Resistance

Because of raspberry leaf tea rich in Flavonoids and Anthocyanin, these substances have a certain medicinal effect, they can inhibit the activity of a variety of bacteria and viruses in the human body and can make the body’s anti-inflammatory ability significantly improved. Drink raspberry leaf tea occasionally can improve the level of health, reduce the probability of inflammation occurrence.
Besides, women during the menstrual period, drinking raspberry leaf tea also help to relieve menstrual pain, raspberry leaf tea contains iron, also helps to replace the loss of blood.

Help Digestion And Weight Loss

The Raspberry Ketone contained in the raspberry, the effect of burning fat is three times of capsaicin, can effectively help decompose and shrink fat cells, reduce the absorption of fat, accelerate metabolism, helping digestion and weight loss. Besides, it also helps in treating childhood diarrhea.

Manage Oral Diseases

Raspberry leaf tea has an astringent effect and can relieve a sore throat caused by inflammation. And it has the effect of antiphlogistic itself, gargle the mouth with the raspberry leaf tea with higher concentration, also have certain help in treating periodontitis.
The dry raspberry leaf
The dry raspberry leaf

How To Steep Raspberry Leaf Tea

1. Raspberry leaf tea can be steeped directly after water boiling, the temperature of the water must at a good control, try to keep it at 95℃; put 7-8g of raspberry leaf tea in a clean glass, add into boiling water, steeping for 3 minutes, then enjoy it.
2. Raspberry leaf tea also can be steeped with jasmine tea together. Take 3g raspberry leaf tea and 5 jasmine tea, put them into a cup, add boiling water, shake it light for a while, dump the water, then add boiling water again, steeping for 3-5 minutes and drink.
Raspberry leaf tea match jasmine tea will get more fragrance, and taste better, also helpful for beauty.

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